Last time we explored the wonderful world of anime shower scenes, which surprised and delighted us when we first encountered them. Today we’ll look at a related topic, asking J-List’s Twitter followers what their favorite anime bath scene is. Let’s see what the best ones are!

There’s nothing like a bath after a long day of doing battle with Witches and capturing their Soul Gems. While a shower is a great way to get clean in the quickest amount of time, a great anime bath scene lets us slow down and relax after a long day.

Taking a bath with a sexy girl is naturally a fantasy many of us have. While it’s difficult to do in the 3D meatspace we currently inhabit, anything is possible in the world of anime!

Through the miracle of anime bath scenes, we can experience the soft oppai of Lilith-sensei, at least in our minds.

Another great function of anime bath scenes is that they bring sisters closer together. Isn’t that just great?
Would you take a bath with a monster girl?
— Peter Payne (@JListPeter) October 12, 2019
They can also allow us to understand what taking a bath with our favorite monster musume waifu would be like. We’re always down with that.

We can also virtually wash the “back” of a sexy and noble centaur in our fantasies. That can’t be a bad thing.

Of course, not everything you see in life is real. It’s important to not believe everything you see!

There came a time when all of us realized that anime was “different” from other kinds of animation, and for some, that moment came when Buruma relaxed in a hot bath while we watched. There was nothing like it before this point.

One amazing anime that introduced us all to the “flexible” world of genders in anime, as well as the joy of anime bath scenes, was Ranma 1/2. The anime also gave us the first true tsundere character, Akane (at left).

Sometimes anime shows us more than we’re necessarily comfortable with, like the time Sailor Moon got curious about what her own flatulence smelled like. Yeah, they went there.
What’s the most hilarious anime bath scene you can think of? I doubt anyone can top this scene from episode 2 of Please Twins!
— Peter Payne (@JListPeter) March 8, 2020
What’s the single most hilarious anime bath scene? I’d have to go with this classic scene from Please Twins. You just can’t get any better than this!

If you’re taking a bath with a cute girl and she notices part of you coming to attention, she might be spooked. Gotta keep it cool.

It’s generally a good idea not to bring electronic devices into a bath. You never know what could go wrong.
Would it be cool to call a girl while she’s in the bath?
Anime is Bokuben.
— Peter Payne (@JListPeter) June 20, 2019
There’s nothing like talking to your crush on the phone in the bath. With the video function turned on accidentally. Yeah, let’s do that!

It’s great when anime can guide us to a better way to live our lives. According to Umaru-chan, the best way to take a bath is with potato chips, a cup of ice, a waterproofed gaming console and manga magazines. Sounds like heaven to us!
Do you have any other epic anime bath scene moments to share with us? Tell us on Twitter!
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