There are a few things that the Japanese really love. First, they love nature, which is slightly confusing since they also love concrete, and when driving in the mountains it’s not rare to see that an entire mountainside has been covered in concrete “just in case there might be a rockslide someday.” Japanese people love mayonnaise and eat it on french fries, just like they do in parts of Europe, and there’s even a slang word to describe people who love the stuff (“mayolers”). They love the four seasons, and walking down the street you’re likely to be accosted by a random person who will tell you how great Japan’s four distinctive seasons are. Finally, the Japanese truly love cats. There are “cat cafes” where you can spend some quality cat time when you need a mental pick-me-up, and cats like Maru regularly become as popular as idols in Japan. Also, Japanese use Lucky Cat (in Japanese, maneki neko) to beckon good luck into their home or business, a custom we like a lot. Incidentally, we have some rather amazing cat-related products on the site, including Catbus plush toys for Totoro fans, if you want to see. (Yes, you can still get them in stime for Christmas by choosing in-stock items via EMS.)
The Japanese really love cats.