J-List has been around an incredible 25 years, and we’ve had an incredibly fun time, bringing Japan a little closer to fans around the world and making some fun memes along the way. I thought it’d be fun to ask J-List customers how they first encountered our crazy company, and here are the responses we got!
How Did You First Discover J-List? Our Customer Respond!
Somewhere between the mid to late 00’s when I was in high school from NewType USA magazine.
I’m pretty sure the first thing I ever bought from J-List was the “Nice Boat” parody t-shirt based on School Days. The anime came out in 2007, so the shirt presumably would’ve been around the same time.
I don’t even remember it’s been so long, all I remember is the first purchase was your Eva-chu shirt, still have it, still love it. My guess is from Newtype USA.
This brings me back! If I’m not mistaken I just finished watching the School Days as anime and heard there was a game. So I searched up Shiny Days and J-List came up and this is my first experience with J-List.
Want to get the best hentai games like School Days and Shiny Days on sale? The JAST USA Halloween Sale is going on right now! Browse here.

There was a specific game that you posted. I was interested and bought a physical copy. Let’s just say it was a ‘euphoric’ experience.
Be 17. Be 2001. Download this thing called ‘bishojo’ game. Want to know more. Find JAST USA website. Order May Club. Pay for online order with this thing called a ‘check.’ Find J-List parent site. Moons pass.
I saw your booth at Anime Expo, and the rest is history…
The history of J-List and Anime Expo are closely linked. Here’s a blog post about the past 30 years of both!
I think it was 2014 or 2015? I was looking for Kantoku merch and found a listing for a Kantoku Calendar that led me to your product page. Bought a calendar every year since haha.

I was looking for pocky.
Google sent me to you.
I meet you guys at Fanime back in the early 2000’s. You gave out tissues with your website on it. Still have one somewhere in my collectibles bin.

Imma go ahead and credit the @aaapodcast guys for that since I don’t actually remember. But have been buying anime art calendars from y’all for multiple years now.
I kept seeing J-List Oreimo posts on Facebook and thought the anime girls were pretty. It ended up becoming my favorite anime, and you guys became my favorite booth to visit at Anime Expo.
The Anime Turnpike in the late 90s.
Thanks for reading this post about how J-List customers discovered J-List for the first time. How did you find us? Post your response below, or on Twitter!
Remember, you still have time to save $10 off $40 or more during our Halloween Sale, which ends Nov. 3rd. Whether you want to browse our anime magazines and artbooks, check out some of our trademark “naughty” products or just bag some in-stock anime figures, enjoy $10 off your order! Start browsing our newest products here.