Anime fans around the world are saddened at the news that Atsuko Tanaka, who voiced Major Motoko Kusanagi in the iconic Ghost in the Shell series, passed away at the age of 61. Let’s look at the life of this talented voice actress who defined an era of anime!
Voice Actress Atsuko Tanaka Passes Away at 61
News came via X that famed Japanese seiyu Atsuko Tanaka passed away on August 20, 2024. The news was delivered by her son Hikaru. “As per her wishes, I will not disclose the specific illness, but she bravely fought it for over a year with grace, humor, and strength. I believe it was a life that was truly characteristic of Atsuko Tanaka.”
Atsuko Tanaka had a commendable career spanning three decades. Her strong, husky voice made her an excellent fit for such characters as Bayonetta, Lisa Lisa from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Caster from Fate/Grand Order, and Flamme from Sousou no Frieren. But the role she will forever be remembered for was Major Motoko Kusanagi, from the influential Ghost in the Shell film and Stand Alone Complex series.
As a child, Tanaka became interested in theater and took dance and drama lessons. After graduating from high school, she worked in a company for six years before realizing office work wasn’t the dream she wanted for her life. She considered trying to do stage performances professionally, but for someone in their mid-20s to make a change like that seemed daunting. Then she met a friend doing voice work, and decided to try that…and the rest was history.
While researching this post, I was surprised to find she was born in Maebashi, Gunma Prefecture, the first city I came to in Japan. So, I was teaching ESL to Atsuko Tanaka’s kouhai without even knowing it!
The Importance of Ghost in the Shell in Popularizing Anime
When people look at the breakout anime series of the ’80s and ’90s, they often point to Akira, Dragon Ball, and Sailor Moon. But the 1995 Ghost in the Shell film, created by director Mamoru Oishi and based on the manga by Masamune Shirow, proved to Western audiences that anime wasn’t just for kids. The details and grit of the world we were shown blew fans’ minds at the time. The series defined Cyberpunk so well it took years for another work to finally come close. It was like discovering anime for the first time all over again.
Without the first Ghost in the Shell, we would never have gotten The Matrix, or “bullet time.”
Thanks for reading this blog post about the sad passing of Atsuko Tanaka. When did you first encounter her voice? Let us know in the comments below!
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