You come to visit your home village during the summer and your little sister Natsuki has news affecting her future high school life and yours too.
Episode 5 – “Momohara Natsuki Is Convincing”
I liked Natsuki Momohara from the first season of One Room for several reasons. The main one was that her character gave the POV main character an actual name. It turned out later that wasn’t so important since “you” are different from each of the featured girls, but at the time it was a nice revelation. The other things about Natsuki that made her a fun character were her overbearing nature, her skinfang, her twin tails, and how she forced “you” to start a new porn stash. Hey, sometimes we need a clean break to find new favorite, er, titles to enjoy.
Tied to that development from that traumatic One Room episode is just how good a person is Big Brother Momohara. To support his little sister’s plans to go to a Tokyo high school he will need to give up his man cave for much longer than a week. In exchange for homecooked meals and the sharing of domestic duties, “you’ll” need to give up “your” privacy and restocked personal stress relief collection. Can “you” keep that up for three years? Big Brother Momohara is a saint.
Traditional home. Summer sounds. Legs kicking in a wading pool. It’s Natsuki from the first season of One Room! She’s surprised “you” came home from Tokyo, “you” terrible Big Brother! Har. She still wants “you” to follow her rules. Have “you” been calling home? Doesn’t seem like it if she was surprised when “you” suddenly showed up.
Uh oh. Natsuki has serious stuff to talk about. “Your” summer visit back home isn’t so stress-free. Natsuki wants to study product design and going to high school in Tokyo is the solution. Her guidance counselor at her rural high school has connections. One Room is so strict with its POV rules. Natsuki leans her head on “your” shoulder, but the camera cuts away and frames the shot so we never see any part of “you.” Dedication to the art. I love it. Of course, it’s not truly a POV shot if “you” can see this happening. Loose with the rules. Not so loving it. Yay! There’s Natsuki’s skinfang!
Uh, a bachelor living with a 10th grader high school girl is not a win-win situation, Natsuki. It’s not like “you” had a parade of girls visiting “your” one room, but “you” still might. “You” keep hoping. Haha! Natsuki is self-aware enough to admit her nagging nature. Vengeful nagging isn’t a good look either, Natsuki-chan…
Nostalgic. Summer night chats next to the burning mosquito repellant. Natsuki designed a bottle label. She’s serious about a career in package design if she’ll do that as an amateur. Big brother counseling session. Little sister is going to take over “your” one room. “You’re” such a good dude, Big Brother Momohara.
Ah. I’ve seen that outfit in One Room before. Skinfang! “Your” carefree bachelor days will soon be over, Onii-chan. A sunflower leading into the end credits makes sure we know Natsuki’s season is summer too.
Natsuki’s temper simmers in the moonlight in the end card.
One Room Third Season streams on Crunchyroll.