As you may know, the Japanese are fond of designating random days of the year, based on how they sound phonetically, or sometimes based on the kanji. February 22 is “cat day” in Japan because the numbers sound like nyan nyan nyan, and August 2nd is Panties Day because the numbers 8/2 can be read as pan-tsu in Japanese. December 10 is Moé Day because the date in kanji 十月十日 looks like the kanji for moe (萌). Because the Japanese word for “good” is ii (pronounced like the letter “e”), and because the number 11 can be read this way, there are a lot of these random “good” days this month. Like today, which is #いいおっぱいの日 ii oppai no hi or Nice Boobs Day.

I’m a big fan of boobs, which are literally filled with men’s hopes and dreams. First we’re curious about them, then we want to touch and caress them, then later, they provide nourishment for our children when they’re born. They among my favorite things.

Boobs are important in anime, providing us with lots of comedy, whether it’s a girl with small breasts being jealous of another girl with large ones, or providing fun visual fan service for viewers, when we’re not watching trains.

Yes, boobs are great. They offer a handy place to store everything important.

Oppai can make us feel like hitting the gym more often.

They remind us to stretch properly after working out.

They can cheer us up.

They can also make us aware of important things like economics.
How are you going to celebrate Nice Boobs Day? Let us know on Twitter!
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