The Challenge of Transliterating from Japanese to English
Transliteration is the act of transcribing words from one writing system to another, and it's a very complex and imprecise ...
Transliteration is the act of transcribing words from one writing system to another, and it's a very complex and imprecise ...
The Japanese make heavy use of foreign loan words, usually borrowed from English, but since Japanese grammar differs from other ...
At J-List, we like to support our readers who want to learn Japanese, whether it's tackling the basics for a ...
Random nihongo lesson! There's a category of four-syllable (four kana) word used here that are so pregnant with meaning they ...
One of the more enjoyable aspects of learning a foreign language like Japanese is what I call the "joy of ...
We've now hopped from Los Angeles to Las Vegas for some hardcore R&R and perhaps a little gambling. It's been ...
I write a lot about language because I find it an interesting topic, and learning to speak Japanese has been ...
Japan is famous as the home of hilarious "Engrish," the mistaken English signs or T-shirts you often see on the ...
It's time for another installment of Wacky Japanese You Already Know, featuring Japanese words that happen to have the same ...
Yesterday I went to my local DMV to renew my Japanese driver's license. Back in the "good old days" there ...
Japan is a unique language in that so many of its words come from English or (depending on the era) ...
One observation I've made about the Japanese people is that they often don't pay close attention to their own language, ...
Japanese are fond of attaching events to dates, and whenever I get in my Mazda MPV, my "car navi" greets ...
Does language influence how we perceive the world? It's certainly an interesting question, and one that I sometimes bat around ...
In Japanese there are some amusing phonetic conventions that get used in advertising, which are interesting for a gaijin to ...
Learning a foreign language is a difficult thing, and to do it properly you frankly need to get a little ...
There are certain areas of the Japanese language that are actively fun to study, like puzzling out the counters, special ...
Like Turkish, Basque and Korean, the Japanese language is an "agglutinative" language, which just means that a lot of information ...
After living in Japan for nearly two decades, I've made certain observations about the Japanese people. They are, for example, ...
The other day I reached for some saltine crackers and found myself smirking at the name on the package: "Mornin' ...
Back in the early days of my fascination with Japan, I used to wonder how computers and word processors could ...
I like to write about my impressions of the Japanese language and how it differs from English, since language is ...
When new Japanese employees come to work at J-List it's an interesting learning experience for them. First of all, they're ...
It's funny how words are perceived by people in different ways. My wife asked me how to say the word ...