Avex launched an official website on Wednesday for an anime series starring PIKO-TARO, the stage name of Japanese comedian Daimaou Kosaka. The anime, titled Piko Tarou no Lullaby Lullaby, is slated to premiere this summer on television and the dTV streaming service. Each episode will run for a duration of three minutes.
PIKO-TARO, who received inspirations by an illustration drawn by director Taniguchi, will improvise the story of each three-minute episode using an illustration by the anime’s director Takashi Taniguchi. PIKO-TARO will visit the tales that are loved worldwide such as “The Little Match Girl” and “Little Red Riding Hood.” Flash animation studio DLE will handle animation production.
The cast will consist of PIKO-TARO voicing everyone.
The staff consists of:
- Plan: Daimaou Kosaka (a.k.a. PIKO-TARO)
- Director, Character Design: Takashi Taniguchi (Onara Gorou)
- Music: Daimaou Kosaka (a.k.a. PIKO-TARO)
- Studio: DLE
- Production: Piko Tarou no Lullaby Lullaby Production Committee
PIKO-TARO is best known for his Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen video:
Official site: http://avex.jp/piko-lullaby/
Official Twitter: pikoanime_PR
Source: Otakomu