Despite being the quintessential Japanese superhero franchise, the Kamen Rider series has unfortunately been lacking quality video game adaptations. For the entirety of the franchise’s existence, Kamen Rider games have consisted of low budget cash grabs or mini-game collections geared towards toddlers. However, developer Bandai Namco’s next attempt with the franchise might finally be the high-quality game Kamen Rider fans have been waiting for. KAMEN RIDER memory of heroez, announced for Playstation 4 and Nintendo Switch looks to be a focused attempt to creating a game that truly captures the spirit of the Rider series.
Instead of having many playable characters that have shallow movesets and mechanics, memory of heroez instead chooses to focus on only the currently airing Kamen Rider protagonist, Zero-One, and veteran favorites, W and OOO. The game itself seems to be a beat’em up with a semi-open world that tells an original story revolving around the three Riders. It will also have a much more focused emphasis on each Rider’s unique abilities and tools. W can be seen using his gadgets and deducing passwords — the first time his role as a detective has been represented in a video game. OOO can be seen in front of a vending machine using his Candroid animals to scout areas.
According to the official site, the game’s combat will be focused on a mix of standard combat and “chain actions” which involve quickly changing Rider forms in between attacks. Form changes have been an essential part of a Kamen Rider’s arsenal and by having the game focus solely on three riders, it allows for more in-depth exploration of each form — an aspect that was sorely lacking in prior games which would often have certain forms have fewer abilities or have some forms not be included entirely. This emphasis on form changing gameplay can be seen in the trailer as it is shown that all 9 of W’s base form combinations can be pulled up from a pop-up menu in-game. W’s Luna/Joker form can be seen utilizing its extendable limbs to traverse across rooftops and OOO’s Gatakiriba form can be seen using it’s cloning ability to fight a large group of enemies. W’s Xtreme form and Zero-One’s MetalCluster Hopper form can also be briefly seen in the trailer revealing that abilities beyond each Rider’s base forms will be available as well.
Other purchase details were announced during a Bandai Namco live stream along with an English version of the trailer. Early purchases of the game come with trademark gestures and power up accessories as in-game items. In addition to the regular game, a “Premium Sound” edition will also be available that contains a customizable in-game soundtrack featuring songs and music from the show.
KAMEN RIDER memory of heroez releases on October 29, 2020 in Japan and Southeast Asia. The Southeast Asian version will also contain English text much like prior Kamen Rider games released in the region.