To prepare viewers for the 20th anniversary of Digimon Adventure and the upcoming Last Evolution Kizuna movie, Toei Animation has released a six-minute prequel short on their Youtube channel. Titled “To Sora”, the short is about Sora Takenouchi who is now in her twenties and her struggles after deciding to focus her all on Ikebana (the Japanese art of flower arrangement) and leaving Digimon related matters to the other. It can be viewed with both English subtitles linked below and with the original audio-only.
The short starts with Sora and Piyomon (or Biyomon for those more familiar with the localized names) at home in their Tokyo apartment. Piyomon naps while Sora contemplates and worries about her flower arrangement — about both her technique and whether she should continue pursuing the art. Her contemplation is interrupted when Piyomon enters the room with her phone as Sora receives a call from Mimi who is in France where she is starting an online store selling knick-knacks. In the call, they reminisce and give a brief intro as to what the other Digidestined are up to.
This phone call is the main purpose for the short — to keep the audience up to date with the cast and set the stage for the upcoming movie. Some points of interest are Mimi mentioning Takeru and Hikari (TK and Kari) are about to be 20 years old which would mean the rest of the Digidestined are 22 to 23. Mimi also mentions Yamato (Matt) has finally decided what to do with his future the flashback shows him picking up a book about aerospace engineering. This is a reference to the ending of Digimon Adventure 02 wherein the epilogue it is shown Yamato has become an astronaut and the first person to step on Mars. The 02 ending has been hotly debated as to whether it is canon and has been a source of contention for the Digimon fanbase for reasons of continuity as well as due to the ire from dissatisfied shippers. This makes it seem like the 02 ending is now the ending that Toei wants to be canon and Last Evolution Kizuna might be setting it up.
Other notable details are Taichi (Tai) not yet knowing what to do with his future and the ending of the short having Sora decide to no longer involve herself with the Digimon battles. These last two scenes are probably the basis for what to expect in the upcoming movie. It can be see from the trailers that Taichi and Agumon has had the most focus on them so it is most likely the case the movie will have the same focus on them. Also, it seems that Sora will be taking a backseat and not be featured as much in the movie which will no doubt be disappointing to her fans. Although from another perspective, Sora no longer participating directly with the plot is in some way in line with the main themes of Last Evolution Kizuna. The idea of maturing into adulthood meaning sometimes taking a separate way from old friends such as Sora wanting to focus on her career or the Digidestined having to give up their Digimon partners as adults— the main cause of conflict in Last Evolution Kizuna. If this ends up being the case with the film, it remains to be seen whether or not fans will accept it.
Digimon Adventure: Last Evolution Kizuna premieres in Japanese theaters on February 21st, 2020.