Insomniacs After School, known in Japan as Your After School Insomnia is a unique sort of anime series set to begin airing this April, featuring two high school students who suffer from insomnia. They bond over their struggles and their appreciation of astronomy. Liden Films released two PVs in advance of the April release, giving fans of the series a sneak peek to hype potential viewers up.
The first trailer for Insomniacs After School is more of a teaser, with less than a minute of different establishing shots. Fans are given a good look at Ganta Nakami’s insomnia in action, and how lonely his situation has made him. The second trailer shows more of the setting, an extended scene of Ganta waking Isaki Magari in their school’s former astronomy club, which is now the school’s storage room.
Liden Films also set up a home page and official Twitter account where fans of Insomniacs After School might see more series lore, character images, and key art for the series.
Insomniacs After School is an adaptation of the manga series written and illustrated by Makoto Ojiro. Publication began on May 20th, 2019, and continues to this day, with a current total of ten volumes. In addition to the anime adaptation, a live-action adaptation has been announced and is set to premiere sometime in 2023.
As stated, Insomniacs After School follows the two titular insomniacs, Ganta Nakami and Isaki Magari. Ganta’s muted demeanor puts him at odds with other students, an issue owing to his lack of proper sleep. On one regular day, he looks to take a nap in the abandoned observatory, the location of the former astronomy club. However, Isaki had the same idea first, and thus their awkward first meeting turned into a friendship that would see them work to rebuild the astronomy club, all so they can have their own private haven at school.
This isn’t Makoto Ojiro’s first foray into animating her popular manga series. In 2019, she teamed up with the rock band Macaroni Enpitsu (Macaroni Pencil) to create a music video for their single titled Enshin (Centrifuge). Well, it’s not quite anime, it’s manga stills that move about. The song’s theme of two high school students who suffer from insomnia perfectly lines up with Insomniacs After School, so it’s little wonder why Macaroni Enpitsu worked with Makoto Ojiro on this project years ago.
Are you looking forward to these adaptations? Do you personally deal with insomnia? Let us know in the comments below.