Uzaki leaves things at Sakurai’s apartment. Sakurai takes cooking lessons. Ami and Uzaki join Sakurai for karaoke.
Episode 11 – “Does Sakurai Want to Hang Out, Too?”
Right before the end of the season, Uzaki-chan reminds the audience that it is a gag comedy show that has some slice-of-life moments and some romantic comedy moments, but those moments are all in service of setting up circumstances for a series of jokes and laughs. Sakurai literally sifted through Uzaki’s trash to make a bunch of gags in the first vignette. Still, one thing Uzaki-chan does nicely is use these gags as the foundation for later plot and character development. We saw how Sakurai felt he needed to learn how to cook because Uzaki cooked for him and he wanted to repay her friendly gestures. It’s a fun way to make the audience think their relationship keeps progressing romantically too. However, I fully expect Sakurai’s cooking adventure with the Uzaki women to relate somehow to the shocking cliffhanger at the end of the Uzaki-chan episode.
Uzaki wants to hang out, again. It looks like she’s already Sakurai’s girlfriend with all the stuff she’s left at his apartment. No toothbrush, but lots of trash, so maybe not a great girlfriend. A big beanbag is getting into the realm of getting her own drawer. Punch the Froggie! Ha. Sakurai almost forgave the frog for having a cute little companion. It’s too much like their own big and small couple of Uzaki-chan.
It feels like Uzaki-chan is going to give us a bunch vignettes with lots of gags. Uzaki would rather scare Sakurai than talk about the trash she left at his place. Oh, Uzaki has a good point about sitting on the floor without a cushion. Uzaki’s big cushions are much higher up… I’d still like to find out how Uzaki became so sloppy and rude compared to her high school days. If she was always like this at home and she’s just showing Sakurai her private self now because they’re so close, I’d like confirmation on that.
Nobody needs a thousand and eight Kuso Cats. That may explain why they’re everywhere. Haha. The writing on the bags describes Uzaki perfectly. Uzai (うざい) means noisy or annoying and sugoi dekai is super huge, of course. Aw, poor frill lizard doesn’t make the cut either. Uzaki-chan did something right. She left food in Sakurai’s fridge to cook for him. He needs to take the good with the bad right now.
Uh oh. Sakurai isn’t as good a cook as he thought. Yes, Uzaki has reason to laugh. Okay, too much. Yay! Uzaki-chan gave us a good reason to see Tsuki again. Obvious oyakodon innuendo is obvious, except for Sakurai’s udon dough having two lumps. Well done. Tsuki is weak to compliments like Hana. Tsuki learned that her daughter likes to jab Sakurai. Hana isn’t always nice to her senpai.
Good for Tsuki. She realized she’s only scared of Sakurai’s mean eyes. I expect Uzaki-chan to maneuver her into overhearing Sakurai and Hana talking about setting her up with the young hunk. There it is! Sakurai still hasn’t petted either of those cats. They’re coming closer though. Sugoi Dekai shirt is clean again. We need to see Uzaki wear her favorite shirt before the season ends. Joke setup. Tsuki made great strides in talking with Sakurai, but saying that to herself is a death flag. She’ll backslide into thinking he wants to do this and that with her, with Hana encouraging him. Tsuki has a deservedly high opinion of herself when she thinks a man talking about “petting” means she’s the target. I love how Tsuki’s mistaken fantasizing has its own cheesy romantic theme music.
Hilarious. Sakurai really does want to hang out in this episode. Rock-climbing is a physical activity, so I don’t think Uzaki’s competitive streak will serve her well. Ooh, another oppai-megane beauty. Uzaki-chan hit those charm points hard all season. Uzaki does not enjoy rock-climbing. Sakurai called Uzaki out. She is sore that she can’t one-up him. Stick to videogames and cooking, Uzaki. Sakurai pisses off Uzaki even more by ignoring her digs because he’s enjoying himself. It’s nice to see that Uzaki genuinely cares that Sakurai looks like he’s having fun with people around. Rock-climbing is still like swimming, where it’s an individual sport where you can shut out all the other people around you. Aw. Uzaki-chan liked how cool Sakurai looks when he’s exerting himself.
No transition at all and we find Sakurai trying to sing karaoke by himself. Trying to. Ha! Drunk girl invasion! Why didn’t we watch Ami and Uzaki-chan drinking before they found Sakurai by himself? Missed opportunity here. Sakurai will have to choose a more distant karaoke hall if he wants to continue his solo sessions. I didn’t need to see a Mad Max reference to explain solo karaoke. Uzaki-chan should have shown us a montage of Ami and Uzaki pounding cocktails instead.
Oh, yes. This is a good apology gesture to Sakurai and the audience. Sexy cosplay fanservice from Ami and Uzaki-chan! Do you have a China Dress fetish? Do you have one now? Yes, yes, I do! Thank you, Uzaki-chan! Solo session karaoke hostess club doesn’t sound so bad. Geh! Officer Ami needs to arrest Bunny Girl Uzaki for openly carrying double barrel weapons without a license. Merchandise and figure makers need to get busy! Ami has great aim and shoots holes through Sakurai’s sanity. Stop fighting it and let the sexy girls sing. Haha! Rapid-fire questions made Sakurai quickly answer that he liked Uzaki-chan’s Bunny Girl costume.
And no transition again. Uh oh. It’s the dramatic cliffhanger before the final episode of a gag comedy show. I don’t expect Uzaki-chan to give us a serious problem to keep Uzaki from hanging out at Sakurai’s place for long. This isn’t a romantic comedy after all, and it didn’t try to be.
Next time, Uzaki-chan wants to hang out even more.
Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out! streams on Funimation.