Ayame declares she loves Shinya, but he needs to see her proof. Ayame’s answer stuns him!
Proof 6 – “Science-types Fell in Love, So They Tried Not Trying to Prove It.”
In a regular romantic comedy anime, the main couple suffers through cutesy trials and tribulations until the season finale. And then they hold hands! Science Fell in Love is not a regular love anime. At the end of the first season, the high hurdle Shinya faced was creating a mood to kiss Ayame. But the story wasn’t over yet because the pair didn’t start dating. In the second season, the main couple declared their love for each other, but the show’s still not over either! Science Fell in Love enjoys subverting love comedy rules, and you can tell by how many it broke in the sixth episode. Even Rikekuma got mad over it.
The number one rule of a love comedy is that the gigantic emotional romance scene happens at the end of the season. You can’t fill a balloon with steamy air and pop it in the sixth episode! All the tension built up around the question of when and how the pair gets together would disappear. Why would an audience keep watching? Science Fell in Love had planned for this unconventional timing. The show made us think about other couples! Also, Shinya’s character quirks are so well developed that we should have expected him to drag things out with Ayame. So far, they’ve had their first kiss and their genuine confessions of their feelings, but they have yet to start dating. Of course, they’ve been dating since they began researching love. Everyone in the Ikeda Lab knows that except Shinya.
I enjoyed how hard Science Fell in Love tried to sell a story-ending chain of events. The subverted expectations would have worked better in the source manga because that medium doesn’t have a twelve-week schedule time constraint. The audience for the anime knows we have six more episodes to go, so the dramatic tension in Shinya and Ayame’s romance scene became wild curiosity. Even the episode’s title tried to sell the end of the love tale. In Japanese, the title is 理系が恋に落ちたので証明を終了してみた。 (Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei wo Shuuryou shitemita.) which translates to “Science-types Fell in Love, So They Tried to Finish Proving It.” Crunchyroll’s translators tried not to try adding a sense of finality. So, no, it’s not the end yet. We can all thank Shinya’s tireless efforts to express his subjective feelings objectively.
Starting right after Ayame’s bombshell, Shinya needs confirmation. He’s spraying his text box with keyboard spray as Ayame did in the first episode of the first season of Science Fell in Love! Ayame declared her love. The first time, she wasn’t sure. Shinya is confused. Ayame took him straight on a date after this, repeating the experiments from the first season. Ayame leads Shinya by the nose! Ha. Of course, Shinya would excel at the crane game. Oh, Shinya needs to stop denying he wants to kiss Ayame.
Oh. Ayame creates the mood that she and Shinya are on their last date. She thinks they can’t do dating research after she defined her love. Ayame found an objective truth in the pile of personal love stories from Yamamoto’s readers. They all knew they were in love with someone else.
Uh oh. Recap montage of Science Fell in Love. The show acts like it’s over at the sixth episode! Ayame feels sad that she can’t keep dating Shinya through researching love. Isn’t that accommodating Shinya’s personality too much? She can’t keep making the university fund her social life, though.
Shinya is an intelligent lad. We knew that much already. He knows how the implications of Ayame’s love declaration will affect their relationship. Here’s another callback to the first season of Science Fell in Love. The darkened hallway has a high mood quotient for love activities. Shinya needs arbitrary reasons to justify his emotions, so here we go! Shinya’s love points keep getting bigger and bigger! The nerdiest, most romantic, and infuriating love confession ever! Ha! Shinya’s love points for Ayame didn’t go over 9000! Shinya loves Ayame! The proof is over!
That’s the show, everyone. Thanks for showing up. Wait, Science Fell in Love hasn’t finished yet! Oho. Ayame wants cuddle time. She needs to collect “Yukimura elements.” For science! Two minutes max per day! Okay, how about gathering Yukimura elements right now? This is an incredible way to display Ayame’s long, tights-covered legs. The opening song for the first season plays in the background. Full circle. Ah? Ahahaha! Shinya found a way to keep the university paying for his love life! They need to research levels of love. That’s the way to keep Ayame happy.
Here comes the bait and switch. It looks like the “True Happy Ending” sequence, right? Did you think Science Fell in Love would stop six episodes into the second episode? No way. Rikekuma educates you poor, romantic airheads. Har. Rikekuma cited a footnote for Volume 8 of the manga.
Kotonoha thinks the love decision condition is clear, so what’s the point of more research? Kosuke is happy to find a loophole for his romantic feelings for Ena. If he doesn’t consider them to be love, it’s not love! He’s forgetting that the arbitrary decision could come from a third party… Oh, dear. Kotonoha’s heart can’t take it. Shinya is so stubborn! If Ayame is happy, what’s the harm? Um, I’m sure Ayame loves Shinya more than a strawberry. Shinya needs a baseline for sweetheart-level love. Sigh. Let’s keep Science Fell in Love rolling!
Next time, Science-types try going on a group date.
Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It r=1-sinθ (Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. r=1-sinθ (Heart)) streams on Crunchyroll and VRV in Japanese audio and English subtitles.