Princess X FD: Fiancees Forever! is the fan disc released after the success of Princess X: My Fiancee Is A Monster Girl?!, adding plentiful monster girl fun. Fan discs are rare in the West, but all you need to know is that they add content from an established setting, and mostly would never qualify as a sequel.
Princess X FD follows that pattern. It is made up of a lot of disconnected scenes which, for the most part, wouldn’t make sense in the timeline of the base game. In a sense, it’s post-game content, the kind of bonuses you might earn for finishing the main story of a game. After a short opening sequence the game opens up to a menu for selecting the various new scenarios. One of the scenarios is unlocked only after completing the rest, but you can play the rest of them in any order. It’s easiest to play them from top-to-bottom, mainly because it’s easier to keep track of which ones you’ve seen.

Princess X FD is pretty weird. If you’ve played the main game, reviewed by BrittanyVincent over a year ago, you’re already familiar with some of the weirdness, but Princess X FD surpasses that weirdness. Mostly it’s played for comedy, with characters taking things straight that should be baffling, or utterly unacceptable. Some of it is simply kinks you probably haven’t imagined before. Minor spoilers ahead for fan disc plot points.
An example of the utter ridiculousness is a short joke arc where the main character Shinichi ends up getting married. Not to one of the known fiancées. No, he gets married to a chicken. It’s very weird, played completely for laughs, and thankfully only has an all-ages CG associated with it. That said there is an h-scene narrated by Shinichi’s little sisters, and punctuated by chicken clucking sounds.
The majority of the fan disc’s content matches the quality of the main game. The comedy is funny, though has its moments of extreme head-scratching strangeness. The fan disc has fewer CG scenes than the main game. Only a small number of scenes are still images, with only minor changes in facial expressions, so not too many corners were cut producing Princess X FD. The music seems to be directly ported over from the main game.
The longest scenario in Princess X FD is an expansion on a side-plot from the first game. It doesn’t involve Shinichi at all, but it does include a new monster girl, a snail assassin. It’s almost as long as a side-plot from a visual novel would normally be.

The rest of the scenarios are pretty short. Playing through the game won’t take more than a few hours. Since that’s not a lot of time to spread among a wide cast of characters, if there’s only one heroine you’re interested in you might be better off not picking up the game. Given the shortness, spoilers, and in-jokes, I wouldn’t suggest anyone pick up Princess X FD (NSFW) without finishing most of the excellent Princess X: My Fiancees Is A Monster Girl?! (NSFW). The main benefit of the game is in spending time with your favorite characters and having some laughs. My personal favorite is R-Komadori, and she gets a decent amount of content in the fan disc. As a self-contained product though, it’s not worth a look.