Episode 7 — “Potatoes of Shame and the Titan’s Fist”
Plus-Sized Elf Makes Me Go Heh.
We’re halfway through the Plus-Sized Elf season, which means we have enough material to judge who the Best Girl in the series is. Also, all the monster girls have appeared in the end credits (the cyclops being the last one), so we’re at an inflection point. Only the humans, Naoe and Akiho (his thirsty boss), have yet to show their pinup posters. Elfuda hangs out with Naoe most because she can’t quit her fried potato addiction. But she’s like the toxic airhead your buddy dates who keeps causing him expensive mistakes. For example, being around Elfuda causes Naoe’s weight to balloon up and down, which is not healthy for his heart or liver.
But one monster girl rescues both of them from the situations Elfuda often drags Naoe into. She’s also my preference as the Best Girl in Plus-Sized Elf: Kuroeda. Yes, she’s a tanned waifu. Yes, she has a sexy beauty mark. And yes, Kuroeda has an entirely squeezable backstory. But she’s also a studious and conscientious friend. She wears the most stylish clothes of the monster girls. Look at the sassy beret she wore as part of her winter ensemble! Clearly, Kuroeda is girlfriend material. All Kuroeda needs to do now is borrow the naked apron from the other tanned waifu in Plus-Sized Elf. Imagine Satero in Kuroeda’s dark witch outfit as Kuroeda wears nothing but a pink apron. Hmm. Wait a minute! Can I change my vote?
Revenge Smells Like French Fries in Plus-Sized Elf

Hey! Elfuda slimmed down again! You know what that means. It’s time for her to accidentally binge on french fries again. How will Plus-Sized Elf engineer a fried potato disaster? Oh. How about Elfuda’s favorite fast food chain awarding her a one-year supply of french fries? That worker behind the counter has pentagram earrings and a name tag spelling “Satero.” It’s time for Satyrical revenge! And not the funny kind. Okay. The funny kind.

Naoe’s harem of monster girls still maintains a bodyguard schedule against Satero. That didn’t work, thanks to Elfuda’s Potatopia delusions. Where does she find these T-shirts? Ack! Naoe got fat eating french fries! Aha. Kuroeda noticed the dark magic coming from Satero on those cursed potato sticks. Hahaha! The seduction magic works on Naoe, but Forest Elves naturally resist its effects. Unfortunately, the plus-sized elf can’t resist the temptation of gorging on french fries.

Here’s the responsible party! Satero is thinner than the last time we saw her. She hasn’t had enough feasting time on Naoe’s gluttonous feelings. Aw. The virginal Satyr blames Elfuda for allowing Naoe to lasciviously leer at her naked body. Hee! Kuroeda is jealous, and Oga shoots Naoe a disapproving look. So how will Satero exact revenge on Elfuda? Through making her so fat that her clothes explode! Meh. Elfuda has no shame after all the manhandling the human has done to her in Plus-Sized Elf. Oh, no! Satero’s innocent heart can’t take it! And she suffers worse humiliation. Satero already can’t marry anyone else because Naoe saw her naked, but then she also saw his crispy tuber! How long until she tries for revenge again?
One-Eyed, One-Horned Punch Drunk Love

Wow. The Smiley Boar Clinic must be raking in the dough if Akiho can open an affiliate boxing gym. Sure. She wants to see sweaty muscles glistening and flexing in macho, violent displays, but people still have to pay to use the gym. I’m still waiting to see how Akiho connects to orcs because her company’s name is too coincidental to ignore in Plus-Sized Elf. Unless she playfully throws shade at fat piggies.

Naoe’s collection of plump monster girls get bored of activities quickly, so mixing up their exercises should work on their motivation. Upper-body aerobics take much more effort to maintain (like in combat sports) than anything involving the core and lower body. Practicing coordination through movement is also fun. Whoops! It’s too much fun for an ogre’s fighting spirit. Aw. Oga needs to sit down for a bit because she doesn’t have a sparring partner.
Attack of the Plus-Sized Elf Titans

Ooh! The final monster girl steps up. The cyclops’s name is Hitome (another pun because she spells it 一目, meaning “one eye”). Hitome (Mikoi Sasaki — Gobuko from Peter Grill to Kenja no Jikan) is a boxing regular but messed up her schedule and came to the gym on its day off. Now Oga has a partner! Uh oh. The giant races from the other world like fighting too much. Will Oga and Hitome destroy the gym as they spar? Cliffhanger!

Hitome takes the last monster girl slot in the end credits. What will Plus-Sized Elf do for the next episode?
Plus-Sized Elf (Elf-san wa Yaserarenai.) streams uncensored on Hidive in Japanese audio and English subtitles.
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Did you enjoy Satero’s return and failed revenge plot? I love how the innocent succubus has a shame fetish attached to her nudity. When will she let Naoe make a meal of her? Still, Kuroeda is the Best Girl in Plus-Sized Elf. Do you agree? Or do you have a different choice? Let us know in the comments below.

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