Wednesday, 11/22, is Happy Twin Tails Day and Happy Couples Day. Why? It’s November and the Japanese love puns with dates! J-List earlier wrote about how November is the month for “happy puns” with dates because the number eleven (11) looks like and sounds like いい (ii, good). We had “Nice Tummy Day,” “Happy Breast Day,” “Happy Pocky Day,” and “Happy Thigh Day.” Those corresponded to 11/7 (いいお腹の日, ii onaka no hi), 11/8 (いいおっぱいの日, ii oppai no hi), 11/11 (This is because 1111 looks like a handful of pocky sticks), and 11/20 (いい太ももの日, ii futomomo no hi). Now we come to 11/22.
Because the Japanese language phonetically spells the English pronunciation of “two” as “tsu,” the pun around twin tails (ツインテール, tsuin teiru) arose. And because the kanji for the number two, 二 (ni), also has the pronunciation futa, the pun about married couples (夫婦, fuufu) happened. Of course, hashtags around both puns exploded on social media. Look at the enthusiastic posts and fanart for twin tails at #いいツインテールの日 (ii tsuin teiru no hi). Appreciation for happy couples also abounded at #いい夫婦の日 (ii fuufu no hi).
So, who are our favorite twin tails and married couple of the Fall 2023 anime season? Look below for our picks!
It’s Gotta Be a Twin Tail Karane!

The tsundere personality is often paired with twin tails because it’s a pun! Recall how Eriri Spencer Sawamura from Saekano used her twin tails as weapons to express extreme amounts of tsun against Tomoya. Karane from Hyakkano hasn’t assaulted Rentarou with them yet, but her twin tails are extensions of her emotions.
The J-List store has twin tails products if you like looking around for them. I like the twin-tailed little sister Kanna from Kaedeko’s Gaki Kyonuu series of art books.
Best Undercover Married Couple Ever? Loid and Yor Forger!

Okay. So, the Forger marriage is on paper only in Spy x Family. What a name for a fake contract! But Loid the Super Spy would have his best match in Super Assassin Yor. They are doting parents for Anya, who would love to see “Mama and Papa” flirt some more. Just don’t let Yor cook or drink alcohol before bedtime.
Loid, Yor, and Anya are all over the place in the J-List store section for Spy x Family. There’s still time to pick up a 2024 calendar for Christmas!
Who are your picks for the best Twin Tail this season? Or ever? How about your favorite married couple? Let us know in the comments below or online on Facebook, Twitter, or Discord.