The girls from the anime adaptation of Natsume Akatsuki and Kurone Mishima’s Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! (Give Blessings to This Wonderful World!) light novel series have received an official Dakimakura (hug pillow) cover each. This is great news and all, but now you have to decide who is the best waifu to snuggle and sleep with.
The Dakimakura covers are double sided at 160x50cm (63×19.7in), and are made out of Lyctron (2-way tricot).
If your waifu happens to be the useless god, Aqua, pre-orders are up on our shop.
or if it’s the explosion girl, Megumin, pre-orders are also up on our shop.
or if it happens to be the best masochist girl around, Darkness, pre-orders are now being accepted.
Which girl would you choose?