Azure realizes she wants Baiser to defeat her. How will the magical girl deal with indecent desires?
Episode 07 — “Azure in Trouble!”
Humiliation is the theme for Gushing over Magical Girls this week.
- The subtle rules of Utena’s BDSM fetish — a sadist hurts a masochist by dishing out pain in a slightly different way the masochist expects. Humiliation is a part of the kink, so denying a request degrades the beggar, supplying pleasure to the sadist.
- Utena always loved watching villains humiliate magical girls, even in anime, from an early age.
- Is not humiliating Magia Azure the same as defeating her? The higher-ups in Enormita collected cracked magic crystals, and Baiser cracked Azure’s, so what counts? Utena wants to keep magical girls pure like they are in their boxes in her closet. But broken magical girls have no value in her eyes.
Utena’s fetish will soon clash with Enormita’s magical girl franchise crushers. Gushing over Magical Girls impressed me by foreshadowing the broader world of villains and mahou shoujo fighting all over Japan.
First, Vatz manages groups like an idol producer. Second, with the exhibits in the Magical Girls Museum. And last, meeting the other villains. Are there other turncoats in Enormita like Venalita? Is Venalita a recent member? These questions fuel curiosity, making the audience impatient for the next episode. I love the technically proficient storytelling in Gushing over Magical Girls.
Gushing over Magical Girls Makes Me Go Heh.

Flashback! A young Utena watches a magical girl anime. Magical Girl Miracle Mimiru! Even at this tender age, the sight of a humiliated magical girl excited Utena. But she still wanted to see the good guys never give up. And back to the present. Miko Sayo can’t purify herself with regular bathing.

Utena knows Tres Magia on a much more intimate basis now, like how Magia Sulfur is a foul-mouthed fistfighter. Or how Magia Azure always gets caught first and enjoys “torture.” Baiser liked her better when she put up more of a fight. The other magical girls are starting to ask questions, too. Vatz tried to cheer Sayo up by reminding her of how she and Magenta recruited her. It’s always those creepy mannequins getting the better of Sayo in Gushing over Magical Girls. Vatz suggested Sayo take a break to recharge.

No matter how much she cleans, Sayo is a dirty, dirty girl! Oh no, masturbation is a sin, Sayo-chan! Aw. Utena is alone this weekend because Kiwi went on a trip with her parents. She’ll have to go to the Magical Girls Museum Exhibit by herself. Utena also wonders if she broke Magia Azure! Look at all the magical girl merch Utena owns. When her mom threatened her collection, it was a bigger deal than we knew.
Gushing over Magical Girls in a Museum!

Plausible coincidence! Sayo runs into Utena at the Magical Girl Museum. Magia Baiser would never let other girls cut in line before her. Look! An animation in-between cel from Magical Girl Mimiru! Will Gushing over Magical Girls sell those, too? How about meeting those other magical girls? Utena is in her personal paradise. Again, no men anywhere. Utena and Sayo’s reactions to Magical Girl Mimiru’s screening exquisitely demonstrate how they feel about magical girls at this moment. Sayo feels guilty about giving in to torment (pleasure) too quickly.

Sayo wants to fight but hasn’t done the requisite training montage to become stronger and defeat Magia Baiser. It’s that same playground again. How will Magia Azure fare against her old flower enemies? She’ll be fine if she avoids those tentacles’ tight, sensual binding grip. Baiser could be more creative, too, but she continues using old techniques. Azure would prefer a different kind of scissoring from Gushing over Magical Girls! Don’t these magical girls trade notes? Magenta and Sulfur should have told Azure about Baiser’s clones. Or did they assume Azure saw these events when she was in the throes of torturous pleasure? There it is. It’s the wooden bondage horse, panda version.
No Gushing over Magical Girls as Begging Boot-Lickers

Now we know. Utena derives the greatest pleasure from watching magical girls struggle against pleasurable pain. That’s why Azure has been boring her lately. Where’s the challenge? It’s not sadism if a masochist gets the pain she asks for. Humiliation and degradation are part of the play. The masochist has to beg for it, and the sadist dishes out discomfort on her own terms. Azure’s crystal heart begins to crack.

What would have happened if Baiser smashed Azure’s crystal completely? Is this how magical girls “disappear?” Well. Azure didn’t grasp Baiser’s boot to resist. She tugged on it to ask for more pleasure. Baiser “broke” her plaything, so she’s not interested in Azure anymore. Baiser won’t even let Azure’s fall from grace turn Gushing over Magical Girls into a farce instead of the joyful subversion it has been so far. Venalita always calls it as she sees it in this show.

Ah. Enormita progress report to the executives. I can’t wait to see more of these big-sister types! That’s next time on Gushing over Magical Girls.
Gushing over Magical Girls (Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete) streams on Hidive in Japanese audio and English subtitles.
Did your heart break when Utena broke Sayo? Or did you want to see some tender-hearted boot-licking action? Baiser doesn’t play that way! The other villains already paired up, so will there be NTR if Baiser steals Sulfur from Leoparde or Magenta from Neroalice? Or will there be a lovey-dovey heavy punishment harem? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.
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