Ima Real (Imagination Real) is a hentai manga written and illustrated by Takeda Hiromitsu, best known for his squishy anime girls and cuckold stories. He also recently released a visual novel titled, Kedamono-tachi no Sumu Ie de, that also received an anime adaptation. The manga is published by our friends at FAKKU, known for the very best hentai manga releases. It’s fully uncensored, just like the artist wanted the book to be read and has a total of 212 pages, with 7 chapters, 4 of which are in color. This serialized manga appeared in Comic Megastore and Comic X-Eros from 2009 to 2013.
This is a collection of 4 short stories with an extra epilogue short and 2 more unrelated stories. Ima Real is sort of adult video company, that tries to make cute innocent looking Japanese idols do sexual and obscene things. They usually achieve this by doing some form of blackmail to the girls, and before they notice, those Japanese idols turn into real sexual toys for their masters (and sometimes, their own fans). Things get really crazy, lewd, exciting and out of control. I had a blast reading this book.
We have some humble beginnings though. Honami-chan is mostly the main girl, and appears right on the first story, as a very cute and pure idol. She has tons of fans and followers, including her neighbour Kazuya-san, that is in love with her. One day he finds out that Honami-chan also loves him, so both have some heated sex scenes, but little did they know, that their love wouldn’t last forever.
Some days after, they got caught making out in public, and since Honami-chan is a very famous idol, she can’t have any boyfriend (it’s written on her contract, I saw it), and that ended her career immediately. Unfortunately for Honami, she wasn’t off the hook just yet, since she had to suddenly end her contract, she owned the company a large sum of money in compensation, and the best way to solve this, is of course, by doing “extreme photoshoots” for a month, until she pays her debt. The fun part begins here. I’m not going to spoil much, but it includes mind-break right from the start, groping, drugs (aphrodisiac to be more polite), group sex, cuckold (a lot of this) and tons of blowjobs, cum and body fluids. I really love the faces Honami-chan does, and how every day she gets closer and closer to a full mind-break, until she eventually gives in. Her cute face is adorable when she starts to enjoy the action.
Aside from Honami being clearly the main girl here, we also have a really weird blackmail story of another idol, Seika-chan. Seika needs to participate in a kind of sexual games show, to earn back the fans she lost during a hoax scandal Seika was accused, or else, she would get fired. I’m not going into much detail, since it was really fun reading this short story and anticipating what the next challenge would be, but, I’ll just say that, one of the trials had Seika climbing a wall full of glory holes with dicks sticking out of it, needless to say, she needed to make the dicks hard to do any progress.
There are three extra stories in this book. One is the epilogue episode for the Ima Real short stories I previously talked about, and I think it was only published in this book, not in any magazine. It’s properly named “Ima Real Fan Appreciation Day”. Basically, it’s a couple of pages filled with literal fan service for the fans of, the now hungry sex idols, Honami-chan, Seika-chan, and a younger sister like idol, Kisara-chan. The other two stories aren’t related to the IMA REAL story, but are very worth of your time. First one is about a voluptuous schoolgirl, Tsubaki-senpai, that does anything to save the boy’s kendo school club, where her sweetheart is taking lessons. She does this by letting the school’s principal having his way with her, just for a couple days. Tsubaki can’t control herself and loses her mind to the principal some days after. The second story, was for me, the weakest of the bunch. It’s pretty basic, about a married woman, Ayaka-san, that was tutoring a young boy, and one day, they started having an affair. The high point here is when the boy impregnates Ayaka while her husband is sleeping next to them.
Regarding Takeda-san’s art on Ima Real, all I can say is, if you love cute squishy girls, with the perfect breast size and shape, alongside sexy butts, then you have no reason (literally, NO REASON), to not pick this one up. The faces the girls do during lewd acts are some of the best I’ve seen, and fit perfectly into each hentai scene. There is one more thing I loved about this book, the cosplay. The girls dress up as pigs, cats and cows (Seika-chan big breasts look great in this costume), alongside a bunch of very slutty outfits, and all of them fit each of the girls perfectly. All of them look ridiculously cute and sexy when they start to get lewd.
This is one show you don’t want to miss. True adult entertainment, performed by pure innocent looking Japanese idols.
Ima Real (Imagination Real) by Takeda Hiromitsu is available at our shop here, along with many other great hentai manga series.