I didn’t expect him to agree but, after going out on a limb, I decided to slide into our special guest’s Twitter DMs with a quick message and a link to J-List’s website. It was simple — me saying who I was, what I did, who I wrote for, what J-List was, a request to reprint his art on the website (originally for another article) and an interview. Two hours later my phone pings and I see that he actually replied and agreed to both! On Monday, August 27th, I had the pleasure to exchanging messages Dainyu Dougumo.
Dainyu Dougumo is an openly gay male Bara (Boy’s Love with a male target audience) manga artist who has been working independently and as a freelance illustrator since 2010. What started off as just a few works of Pokemon fanart, Dainyu-sensei’s career is now crowd funded on Patreon and Pixiv. Now he’s creating his own one-shots, and maybe even something more exciting. We discussed work practice, history, and who the hottest FGO characters were! Scroll down below for a little more personal encounter.
Note: The original conversation was entirely in Japanese. Below is a translation of what was talked about.
Walker: Thank you so much for your time, Dainyu-sensei. I’m looking for to what you have to say.
代入先生: Thank you for wanting to interview me. よろしくお願いします。
Walker: はい!よろしくお願いします。First off, what inspired you to become an artist?
代入先生: When I started posting my art on Pixiv I was receiving a lot of responses right away. That was almost ten years ago…
Walker: It was art of Pokemon characters, right? How do you feel about your old art, now?
代入先生: I don’t want to look at it anymore *laughs* I always want to improve. So it’s rare that I look back on past works.
Walker: Did you always want to be an artist? When you were a kid, did you have other dreams?
代入先生: I actually really wanted to be a clinical psychologist, and even read a few books about psychoanalysis. As it turns out, the knowledge has helped a lot even now when drawing manga.
Walker: Really?! That’s amazing! How has it helped you? Can you give us an example?
代入先生: In my first manga, Application, the title itself was expressed in the story using psychoanalysis interpretation technique. In real practice, analysts will unravel the patient’s symptoms in the form of an unconscious interpretation. I wanted to use the word “application” as a metaphor to interpret dissatisfaction and suffering which gay people experience in their lives. It was a success when one transgender person messaged me after reading said to me “Your manga saved me.”
Walker: That’s…absolutely incredible. How did that person’s message make you feel?
代入先生: I was very happy. It was also a blessing to know there was someone who understood what I felt.
Walker: Even today there are still several gay people in Japan (and the rest of the world) who aren’t satisfied with life, or are suffering. Do you want all your manga to teach about their struggles?
代入先生: I don’t think I can help everyone. *laughs* Right now I’m drawing mostly from my own issues. When I reflect on myself, my creative stance is expressing how much easier I am on myself when sleeping with the right man.
Walker: Is there another artist’s comics you enjoy? Do they influence your own work?
代入先生: There are a few. I have several artists who are rivals. I’ll be doing my best not to lose to them.
Walker: What are your hopes and goals for the future?
代入先生: I want to make a character that can become a brand for my art, like Mentaiko-san’s Priapus.
Walker: That reminds me! Last year you finished Cell Pro! Episode -0-. Are you making a sequel?
代入先生: Yes, I am. I would love to say a game is possible for it, but right now there is still so much to do.
Walker: Really? That would be really cool!
代入先生: I imagined the story with a game in mind. However, considering the amount of text and how difficult an English translation would be, odds are it wouldn’t be playable for non-Japanese people. Right now, I don’t know if it will continue as a manga or CG sets.
Walker: I’m sure it’ll be enjoyed no matter what language it’s in. We’ll be looking forward to your next manga and the game whenever they should happen!
代入先生: Thank you very much.
Walker: Alright. That concludes all work related questions. Thank you very much, Dainyu-sensei. Next we have a few short questions that are just for fun. Shall we continue?
代入先生: Whenever you’re ready. ^__^
Walker: Okay. Zya! Besides drawing, do you have any other hobbies?
代入先生: I really love reading. I’ve read anything from novels to technical manuals. Even when it comes to online works, I actually love erotic novels more than erotic manga.
Walker: Really? Who is your favorite author?
代入先生: I’ve taken a lot of influence from Nishio Ishin-san’s Monogatari series. He’s even well known overseas.
(Author’s Note: Nishio Ishin is also the author of Death Note Another Note: The Los Angelos BB Murder Case, and xxxHOLiC: AnotherHOLiC.)
Walker: Who is your favorite Fate/Grand Order servant, and why?
代入先生: Ivan the Terrible. I’m weak for daddy characters!
(Author’s Note: The following question was misunderstood due to the language culture barrier. Although the question sounds normal in English, the literal translation that was used at the time in Japanese caused slight confusion for Dainyu-sensei; hence the slightly unrelated answer.)
Walker: Pokemon are now real in our world! Which do you have?
代入先生: You can play every game except for the ones on the Switch right now. I have a strong passion for Gold and Silver version. I like the hero of that game the most.
Walker: Erh- Sorry. That isn’t what I meant to ask. Um…let’s see. Erh…If all Pokemon were real animals then which 6 would you have on your team?
代入先生: Terrakion, Infernape, Snorlax, Umbreon, Machoke, and Escavalier.
Walker: Daww, I love Umbreon, too! It’s one of my favorite Dark types.
代入先生: It’s so cute, but also strong!
Walker: Now, this is my favorite question to ask. In America and Europe, after you die your friends and family can use your ashes to make a vinyl record. It usually has one song on it. So, when you die, if your ashes were made into a record then what song would it be?
代入先生: Does it have to be anything specific?
Walker: It can be any song you want.
代入先生: Start Dash Sensation, from Aikatsu.
Walker: Last question. Is there anything you want to say to J-List readers?
代入先生: Thank you so much for reading this interview. And thank you for following my work.
To keep up with Dainyu-sensei and see more of his art, fans can follow him on social media such as Pixiv and Twitter. Those who want to support him can subscribe to his Patreon and receive exclusive illustrations every month for as little as 500 yen per month (about $4.70). His manga is also for purchase from his online store.
Is there another Bara artist you’d like for us to talk to next? Let us know in the comments and maybe we’ll get lucky with another impulsive Twitter DM session.