One thing I love about anime is how it’s so easy to connect with it, showing us people, places and situations we can relate to. Sometimes characters even say things inside anime that we’ve heard ourselves in real life. Let’s look at some examples of when anime characters spoke to us, seeming to break the fourth wall and address us directly. As always, thanks to J-List’s awesome Twitter followers for their hilarious submissions!
Here we go with 19 times anime characters spoke to us…
Post something that a person has actually said to you. Anime is Cop Craft.
— J-LIST (@jlist) October 5, 2019

They reinforced the importance of bettering ourselves through education.

When we forgot to take care of life’s basic necessities, they reminded us.

They reminded us that everyone is perverted, at least some of the time.

And that we all have physical needs.

They sometimes shamed us for our kinks.

Or sometimes they went the other way, treating us like prudes if we weren’t into what they were into.

At other times anime characters spoke to us, they hassled us when things didn’t always go as planned.

And even teased us for things we can’t control.

Sometimes they took us to talk for perfectly normal otaku-related habits.

They did have a few concrete suggestions about how to get through life.

Sometimes when anime characters spoke to us, they said things that led to a better understanding between the sexes.

Sometimes they judged us harshly, just like our parents.

Or put various ideas in our heads.

Sometimes they inspired us to never give up our dreams.

And other times they brought us down to Earth.

Because managing life’s expectations is an important part of getting through each year.
Of course, everyone can get lucky every once in a while.
We just can’t always choose who we get lucky with…