While it’s fun being an anime fan, enjoying our shared popular culture online, sometimes we have to interface with “normies” who don’t always understand our fascination with all things 2D. I asked J-List customers to share the most embarrassing anime otaku moment, and here’s the list we came up with!
What’s your Most Embarrassing Otaku Moment? J-List Customers Share!

I have always liked to draw and when I was 14 years old I started to draw anime characters, some of them nude. One day at school a teacher was curious to see my sketchbook, and she was a little bit impressed and embarrassed. She told me to be careful that no one else saw them.

Back when you had to buy anime at actual stores, and the cashier would give you a look.
Back in 6th grade, I ran across the school, Naruto style.

I uploaded my reference PSD that was filled with random doujin crops, instead of the artwork assignment.

While in college a guy loaded up his presentation and didn’t realize his friends changed the filename. What actually came up was a PowerPoint of his Comic-Con outing the previous weekend, including pictures of him cosplaying as a magical girl. The best part was the professor critiquing his outfit and the mistakes made on it.

I was in public and I was watching Food Wars when my headphones lost power. Everyone could hear my audio.

Did a presentation on Jeanne D’Arc. Decided to slip a Fate version of her in there, but regretted it the day I had to present it.

My client saw my Hatsune Miku Chrome background over Zoom, and they said “Oh, I’m a Miku fan too”

I had a Japanese boss who had some Gundam models in his office. He was embarrassed about being outed as an anime otaku, but I knew all the names of the mecha. Soon we were discussing the various differences between the Gundam Mark II, the various Zeta Gundam prototypes, and the Hyaku Shiki.
How did you become an anime otaku? Blog post here!
I was showing the ticket on my phone to the train conductor. But when I looked that was not my ticket but my hentai gallery.

Back in high school me and my friend accidentally opened our “homework” file during a presentation.
Does bringing a laptop with anime wallpaper to the ASEAN summit count?
Explaining ‘futanari’ to a friend.

Would I be embarrassed? Probably not I just wouldn’t care enough to actually want what others think about me.
Why is the dude facepalming? I’d be like “Yep, those are my lewds, and plenty more where that came from. Just decided to spice up my boring PowerPoint presentation!”
My own most embarrassing moment? Some of my best hits include
- spilling of 40+ hentai doujinshi while making my way back from Comiket onto the street for everyone to see.
- buying 100+ packages of Sailor Moon feminine napkins for the site.
- that time I forgot I was wearing our “No Gaijin Allowed” kanji T-shirt while passing through customs in Narita. I got some very funny stares from the airport staff.
Thanks for reading this blog post about the most embarrassing otaku moments some of us have experienced. Do you have any you can share? Post them below, or reply to us on Twitter!
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