J-List loves being a bridge between Japan and the rest of the world and finding wacky items for our customers, like the popular Banana Carrying Case we sell , or those awesome Japanese Sandwich Makers, which turn a boring sandwich into something much cooler. Often we find things no one in the world expected to find when they got out of bed, like Lucky Cat toilet paper or the awesome Yura Yura Clover toys. Our Takoyaki Maker was so popular that customers started asking for a Taiyaki Maker for making those delicious fish-shaped sweets with pancake batter, and now we’ve got two different ones in stock. Finally, ever since those Star Wars chopsticks came out I haven’t used any others. They’re the most enjoyable chopsticks I’ve ever held in my hand.
The Origins of Ecchi: 12 Groundbreaking Anime in Fan Service History
Over the past three decades, anime has evolved from a niche subculture to a mainstream phenomenon, even making its way...