One thing we can all agree on: boobs aren’t fat, but are instead filled with the hopes and dreams of men. Think about it for a second: whether it’s because we want to touch them in a sexy way, or because we love the person they’re attached to and hope her breasts will one day provide milk for the child she bears for us, everything starts and ends with those soft, warm pillows. Anime fans love boobs, too, and when I recently asked J-List’s customers how they define the perfect oppai, I got a lot of interesting responses!
Let’s Define the Perfect Oppai Through Anime!

How would you choose the best anime breasts? Well I’d say there are two angles: the approach the creators took to designing the character, with whatever unique features they chose to give her, and the care the animators took in drawing the anime boobs.

1. Proportion: Shape and size that fits the character.
2. Perkiness: Do they have a natural look or do they look bolted on?
3. Physics: Do they move properly?
4. Quality nipples.

Asking the important questions. For me it’s size, shape, definition, do they complement the character, and how “realistic” they are. I’ve given up on boob physics since it’s anime. I will say I prefer the smaller ones since the big ones get all the attention.

Definitely size and shape. Even when they’re not the main focus for the sake of sex appeal, realism is key.
Do you prefer butts to oppai? Read our post on the best anime butts here!

Some anime boobs are drawn extra-large, for anime watchers who like them big like that.

Other fans prefer smaller anime breasts, called pettanko in Japanese. Because when you hug a flat-chested girl, you’re closer to her heart.

Still others insist that “Medium is premium.”

Often breasts are used to create comic situations, such as when two kyonyu girls engage in some boob sumo wrestling. I’m totally down with this becoming an official sport at the next Olympics.

Another endless source of giggles for anime fans is the tension between busty and flat-chested characters, especially if they’re both gunning for the same man.

Sometimes anime boobs are made especially big as a political statement. In this case, Kyoto Animation was saying, “Stop criticizing Japan’s unique popular culture, Western Twitter!” Which I totally agree with.

“Anime breast physics” is a whole category unto itself. You can never tell what’s going to happen with them next.

I love it when anime boobs are matched with the character. In this case, the girl is here to play tennis, and has perfect tennis ball-sized breasts.

Yes, there’s truly no end to the size and variety of female breasts in anime. How can we choose just one?
How Do You Define the Perfect Anime Boobs?
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