Japan’s first Hooters location opens today in Tokyo, and the Japanese Internets are buzzing about the new restaurant, where food and drinks are served by voluptuous waitresses and the slogan is (as one Japanese news site quipped) “The meat pie and oppai are both very large.” While I’d personally prefer a nice maid cafe where a Goth-Loli or cat girl or imouto-themed maid brought me omrice (an omelette served over rice) with a heart drawn over the top in ketchup, it certainly will be interesting to see the reception the chain receives here. 40 girls have been hired to work as waitresses, ten foreign women and thirty Japanese ones, although if they’re requiring the foreign waitresses to be Japanese bilingual that might make things a bit more interesting for customers. I expect it will feel pretty much like Hard Rock Cafe, which has been a fixture in Tokyo since 1983, existing as an ethereal bridge between East and West that’s sometimes enjoyable to visit.
So which do you prefer, the Western approach of Hooters or a more demure, subtle Maid Cafe experience?
Japan’s first Hooters opens today, though I’m more a Maid Cafe man.