Languages overlap each other in interesting ways, and it’s always fun to observe these accidental similarities, like how casa means “house” in Spanish but “umbrella” in Japanese. It’s even possible to pick up some useful phrases by focusing on the words you already know, not unlike the way “Don’t touch my moustache” happens to sound similar to doh-itashimashite, or “you’re welcome” in Japanese. Here are some ready-to-use phrases of Japanese that happen to sound like English words you already know:
Cheek show! Damn! (chikusho) Psycho! That’s great! (saiko) Bimbo Poor, no money (binbo) Ohio Good morning (ohayo) Show you soy sauce (shoyu) Oh, you hot water (o-yu) Never never sticky (like natto, fermented soybeans) “E” good, ok (ii) Cow buy (kau)Amaze your friends!