Anime is a magical place where all kinds of things happen to characters that would never happen in real life, from boys finding themselves the center of harems of adoring girls to characters who sweetly promise to marry a childhood friend only to find out later that she’s an intergalactic princess. I asked J-List’s followers to share their favorite bizarre things that happen in anime, but not in real life, and here’s what we came up with!
Right off the bat, random women do not generally get into the bath with boys.
The rival you developed in high school will be your staunch ally by episode 3.
When you fight someone, you keep up a constant dialogue with them and always call out any special attacks you make by their formal name as you strike.
Any time a character opens a door there’s a 20% chance of them encountering some sexy situation.
Tanks do some amazing things they could never do in the real world.
Student councils are as powerful as national governments.
When the world faces a crisis it naturally turns to 15-year-old high school kids to save them. This is one of the most common things that happen in anime but not real life.
Students growing up with their parents conveniently living abroad, yet who are extremely moral and upstanding in every way.
Characters who are otherwise obsessed with purity.
Anime nosebleeds.
Females who grab other girls’ breasts regularly.
All manner of anime accidents that happen in anime but never to any of us.
In anime, all Westerners will randomly kiss someone they just met, even British girls.
High school bands are able to make professional-grade music after a couple weeks of practice.
Anyone with the slightest bit of Japanese ancestry is able to communicate in Japanese automatically, even if they were raised in Russia.
Got any other things that happen in anime but not in real life? Share them below or tell us on Twitter!
Comiket 98 will forever be known as the “air Comiket” because it was canceled due to the virus, but never fear: J-List is increasing the doujinshi we stock and will have tons of great new books for everyone to buy, so they can enjoy the books and support Japan’s artists. Browse today’s new doujinshi offerings here.