Kinben: the Hardworking Japanese
One of my favorite Japanese words is kinben (keen-ben), which means industrious, diligent, and studious. Just as America has always ...
One of my favorite Japanese words is kinben (keen-ben), which means industrious, diligent, and studious. Just as America has always ...
Kanji are the mysterious Chinese pictographs used in China, Japan, and to a limited extent, in South Korea. While they ...
The Japanese system of phonology is a unique one based on syllables, for example allowing for the sounds ka, ki, ...
Each language is special, with unique features that may cause confusion for speakers of other languages. For example, Romance languages ...
Google is an amazing tool that allows us to find information in seconds, and I swear by it. When searching ...
I wrote last time about an amusing marketing campaign by Georgia Coffee to sell canned coffee using the slogan "Yes, ...
For some reason, I'm able to recite the "government of the people, by the people, and for the people" part ...
If you watch anime in Japanese at all, one word you will probably become aware of quickly is suki which ...
I've written about how speaking a foreign language requires a special "other" sense, which the Japanese call kan (kahn). If ...
One aspect of the Japanese language that's fun to study is onomatopoeia, the words we use to describe the sounds ...
I've started using Twitter, the famous "micro-blogging" tool that lets you make short observations and send them out in real-time. ...
I've written before about how people's perceptions can easily get confused when dealing with other cultures, like how millions of ...
"Where is your domicile?" This was what a Japanese man I ran into at a party asked me, by way ...
Because my son goes to a special immersion school in which the curriculum follows the guidelines set down by the ...
I've written before about the "joy of enlightenment," the mysterious thrill your brain gets when it solves a puzzle or ...
I've written before about the Japanese affinity for attractive faces that are haafu, or half-Japanese and half-Western, and it seems ...
I've heard it said that when French people learn English, they need to work hard at re-learning how to pronounce ...
I write a lot about Japanese history because it's an interesting way to get a feel for how unique the ...
I went with my son to a public bath the other day, always a fun way to relax and wash ...
The other day we went out for one of my favorite Japanese foods, katsu, or fried cutlet of pork or ...
There's a big to-do going on right now over the proposed sale of a chain of luxury hotels operated by ...
Here are some numbers on the 2.2 million foreigners who live in Japan and make up 1.63% of the overall ...
One of the small benefits of the Japanese language is its syllabic nature, which eliminates some of the nuance of ...
Today saw the inauguration of Barack Obama, an event which was watched closely from Japan along with the rest of ...