Girls in tights commute to school. Yua takes cosplay selfies for social media followers.
Episode 1 — “School Commute Tights”
Here we have the anticipated animated short series based on the artwork and character designs of Yom, and what is it about? Exactly what the title says, “Looking at Tights.” You can tell that the tights are important because the character bios for each of the girls on the show’s website lists the opacity number for their preferred hose along with their heights. We’re looking at tights and long legs. That’s what the show is about.
Since it’s a short anime series, we have to set the relationship between each of the girls pretty quickly so we can get to the small adventure of the day featuring their legs, feet, and tights. The first couple of minutes did a great job at this by placing the setting on the first day of school, the established friends ending up in the same class again, and by having a formidable and intimidating homeroom teacher. Add in a wet day, and we get wet feet and changing shoes. All very important to get those long looks at those legs in tights.
The characters all fit a standard type that meshes well in a group friendship. Yua is the confident, serious type. Ren is the earnest, cute type. Homi is the impulsive, adventurous type. We don’t know much of Yuiko-sensei yet, but we can tell the girls are a bit jealous of her ample attributes. She also appears colder and more serious than Yua, but this is all to make the viewers more curious about her. But first, we need to get to know the high school friends.
Miru Tights. I’m looking, I’m looking! At Tights!
Homi has a driver and wet shoes.
Apparently, it’s important to give the short Homi the highest shoe locker.
Good logic there from Homi. She was wet already, so why not splash in puddles?
Ah. They’re all in the same class again. Fated friends!
That’s a nice big pout on Homi’s face. Those wet tights are bothering her. Nice toes.
Wait, wait! No changing in the classroom! There are boys here. Really, I notice guys standing around.
And there’s the formidable Yuiko-sensei. Whoa.
The end credits are nice. They make us look at legs to read them.
Episode 2 — “Cosplay Selfie Tights”
This was a surprising aspect of Yua’s character. She’s a social media cosplay model, doing it only for the attention. We shouldn’t be too surprised, however, because those serious, confident type girls sometimes need an outlet. What was fun about this whole sequence, besides the long, loving looks at each of the Yua’s outfits, was how there really is a twitter account for Yua and Ren, and Yua’s tweets match what was shown in the anime. That’s some nice cross-media promotion. Plus, we also received the very necessary Utaha cosplay. Yua knows what her fans like.
It’s Golden Week, and Yua has a hobby like this?
She liked to take pictures in the rain, so why not of herself?
Aw. Her little Scottish Fold cat is confused.
Hitting all the bases here. Maid, Bunny Girl, and Nurse.
She took those Bunny Girl shots before her twitter poll closed. Was she going to take the Hot Nurse pictures anyway? Of course, she was!
Ha! Ren is on twitter too!
The twitter posts have the camera shots, but the anime has behind the camera shots. Both are excellent.
Next up, School Girl! Ren doesn’t like that idea. The stalkers will come to find her friend.
I just noticed Ren’s phone has the Miru Tights stickers all over them too.
Yua is level-headed. She was never going to wear her own school uniform. She’s got lots of other outfits in that closet too.
Oh ho! Utaha from Saekano! That hit the shot out of the park.
No worries, Ren. Get back to work.