One of the more charming anime series from the current season has been Demi-chan wa Kataritai (Interviews with Monster Girls), about a world in which normal humans live alongside “demi-humans” who have problems adjusting to human society. We get to meet a cute vampire girl named Hikari, a charming succubus teacher who’s self-conscious about being a virgin at age 24, a yuki onna (traditional Japanese type of snow-ghost) named Yuki, and Dullahan named Machi, with a body and head that are forever separated magically. If you want to read my recent post about this anime, here is the link.
The official Twitter account of this anime had a fun idea: take a trip around Japan with a model of the head of Machi, the headless girl. Let’s take a trip around Japan with a monster girl!
(via Blue Madness)