Do you remember the days of your youth when you could binge three anime in a day? Those were the golden days, weren’t they? Now you spend two hours going and coming from an eight-hour job you most likely hate. The older we get, the more life forces us to give up our time. But while not everyone can break free from that cycle, everyone can work around it. And if you wish you could go back to when you’d bang out multiple pervy anime in a day, let me introduce you to these short-form ecchi anime.
What’s that, you ask? Short-form anime are any shows that run below the average 22-minute time. These anime often range from two to fifteen minutes in length. They are perfect for anyone who wants a solid laugh but feels pressed for time or doesn’t want to invest in a full-length series.
While you can rightfully argue that the production value of some of these shows isn’t the best, does it matter? Does every experience need to meet every expectation to be enjoyable? Why not put aside your prejudices against shorter, slightly off shows and have a much-needed laugh? I’m sure there are plenty of days when you’d love to watch an anime season, but a million things are stopping you. If that’s the case, these shows are for you!
Short-Form Ecchi Anime — Are You Lost?
Based on the manga by Okamoto Kentarou (illustrated by Riri Sagara), Sounan desu ka? is what Man vs. Wild could be if it had a hot waifu as the protagonist. That should tell you what the show is about, but here’s a synopsis:
Life seems grim for a group of JKs. Instead of their much-vaunted class trip, the quartet finds themselves stranded on a deserted island. With starvation, exposure, jellyfish, and communists (there are always communists) closing in, it seems life’s soon to be a memory. Or at least, that’s what three out of four people on that deserted island think. The fourth JK has been training for this moment her entire life … literally.
As fate would have it, one of the girls, Homare Onishima, is a thoroughbred survivalist. Having accompanied her dad on survival trips since she was a toddler, her continued existence is as guaranteed as the smile on my face when I listen to Hanamaru’s “Akogare Ranraran.” It’s only a matter of holding out until help comes.
This short-form ecchi anime has a twelve-minute run time. Studio Ezóla animated Are You Lost? Streaming on Crunchyroll, this anime is filled with juicy JK perviness. I never thought I’d see a golden shower on Crunchyroll, but life can surprise you.
And if you’d like to know how the story ends, the manga concluded with its tenth chapter.

Dogeza: I Tried Asking While Kowtowing
If you think a three-minute anime about a self-insert dude asking girls to flash him can’t be a grand time, you’re wrong!
This Adonero animated short-form ecchi anime is absurd, and we love that about it. Dogeza is the kind of show that offends wokies on X. This show decided being improper is the only way to live and stayed true to that choice.
Suwaru Doge may seem like any other dude. However, Doge-san (a minute so our American readers can scream) has long reached enlightenment. You see, DOGE-kun realized it makes no difference if you get something through hard work or pity. Because of that, he adopted the motto, “Grovel enough, and you’ll get what you want.” It’s a motto he lives by. How? By asking his fellow classmates to flash him! Faced with the pitiful DOGE, girls can’t help but show him their ero bits to put a smile on the forlorn young man’s face.
Not only did this Twitter sketch receive a manga, but it also boasts a short-form adaptation, a two-part novel, and an erotic live-action! Kazuki Funatsu is a man who knows what it’s like to really suffer from success. If that level of love for a title isn’t enough to convince you to watch this then I don’t think anything will. Crunchyroll streams the uncultured (censored) version of this short-form ecchi anime.

Speaking of censored and uncensored content, have you heard there’s a new fully uncensored R-18 anime/hentai streaming service? Read about it here.
Magical Sempai
I don’t have fond memories of high school or my teenage years. The stultifying boredom and inability to wander took all the reason out of living. But, if I found myself in the position that Assistant-kun does, high school would have been my golden years.
An unmotivated runt, Assistant-kun looks at school clubs with the same disdain that Leo DiCaprio feels when he sees a woman in her 40s. Realizing the magic club is his safest bet for a leisurely time, he joins it. But instead of pulling a rabbit out of a top hat, the dude pulls a boner out of thin air! All because his stage fright-riddled, inept senpai always ends up in sexually provocative situations. Yet despite the sexual tension and lack of magic, Assistant-kun stays in the magic club. Why? Maybe the constant barrage of boobs has something to do with it?
Azu wrote and illustrated the Magical Sempai manga. LIDENFILMS animates this 12-minute-long, short-form ecchi anime. Crunchyroll currently streams Magical Sempai. And if you’d like to know what happens in the story after what the anime adapts, you’re in luck — the manga has concluded.

Short-form Ecchi Anime — Tachibanakan Triangle
Do you know what anime and grindcore have in common? The shorter it is, the more lewdness it usually has and the less you understand it. That perfectly sums up Tachibanakan Triangle. Adapted from Merryhachi’s nine-volume manga, the Tachibanakan Triangle anime has drawbacks, but we’re not here for the story. WE’RE HERE FOR PLOT! And no one can accuse this show of lacking plot.
Plenty of things can change in a year and even more in six. That concept plays into this short-form ecchi anime. When Hanabi Natsuno returns to her hometown after six years away, it’s instant nostalgia. Preparing for her high school debut, Hanabi bunks at Tachibanakan, a boarding house for female students. But instead of finding the perfect place to study, she stumbled into the perfect JK!
Faced with a naked beauty unlike any other, Hanabi instantly feels those Austin Powers randy vibes. But will her newfound infatuation and affection bloom? Check out Love To-LIE-Angle on Crunchyroll to find out!

Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!?
I can’t speak for anyone else, but waifus and Weedeater are like 90% responsible for my continued existence. There’s something about lovable anime girls that makes the heart remember it’s a joy to keep beating. And lewdable waifus is what this short from ecchi anime is filled with!
Nande Koko ni Sensei ga!? might clock in at 11 minutes, but its plot towers over its run time. The anime follows several students and their inappropriate interactions with their teacher. So much so that I’m sure this is what Van Halen’s “Hot For Teacher” talks about. While one’s free to choose their favorite pair, you can see that the duo of Ichirou Satou and Kana Kojima drives the story forward.
Written and illustrated by Soborou, the Why the Hell are You Here, Teacher!? manga concluded in 2024. That means you’re free to finish the story after the anime leaves you wanting more. And with boob and ass shots every other scene, you’ll probably want more. Crunchyroll streams this Tear Studio animated short-form ecchi anime.

Honorable Mention — Ani Tore! EX and Ani Tore! XX
Say you’re the kind of person that prefers the lewd over the nude. Non-explicit fan service does more for you than uncensored titties. Should that be the case, the original short-form ecchi anime Ani Tore! EX may be what you’re looking for.
Before How Heavy Are the Dumbbells You Lift, we had this show. A short-form ecchi anime with a 4-minute run time, Ani Tore! EX was made to get weebs in shape. Now, anime may be responsible for the bulk of my interests, but I’d rather crap my pants than do a push-up. Still, I enjoyed this show. The kawaii characters trying to get me into shape were appreciated. The cleavage and ass shots were appreciated even more. Despite its fan service, the show is well done and quite helpful if you’d like to get into shape. But I don’t want to extend my time on this planet, so I’m only here for kawaii waifus.
This Rising Force Studio production is currently available on Crunchyroll.

Short Form Ecchi Anime: Will You Watch Any?
Plenty of authors write blog entries, and once they’re published, they’re abandoned. Not me, not mine. I always circle back to the comments and feedback these get. And since I love all these shows, I’m quite interested in knowing if anyone picks them up and enjoys them. And if there’s enough interest in this list, another one will be on the way in a few months. Unless you know, an asteroid or the commies get us before then. Also, let us know if there’s any short-form ecchi anime you think we should check out. Recommendations go both ways.
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There’s no limit to how creative you can get with your 2D ero life, and Tamatoys has brought out new ‘Nui Hole’ plush Vtuber toys that hold a surprise: you can get sexy with them thanks to the included onaholes that fit inside! Check out the review of the new offerings on the J-List blog, here!