The Blu-ray and DVD versions of the second TV anime adaptation of the well-known Senran Kagura series, Senran Kagura Shinovi Master: Tokyo Youma-hen, have been released. Since the Blu-rays are released after the original TV version, studios have additional time to reproduce scenes of the anime that may have been rushed to make schedules, deadlines and meet TV regulations.
They may redraw scenes, add new ones, include flashier effects, remove censorship or just improve the general quality of the anime. It is always interesting to see the differences between the initial version and the final one, seeing the clever tricks they use to cover up rushed frames and their efforts to brush up on quality.
Note: Spoilers of the Senran Kagura Shinovi Master: Tokyo Youma-hen series
The images on the left are the Blu-ray release and the images on the right are from the TV version. Click on an image below and use the arrow keys for easier navigation.