JAST USA has a massive catalog of visual novels and hentai games. But which ones are the best deals for your money? This JAST USA Buyer’s Guide will point you towards a variety of categories of quality hentai which you can buy for excellent prices right now during the JAST USA Summer Sale. I’ll provide a brief explanation of why these games are worth your time, and link to reviews and spotlights from J-List when possible so you can get a better feel for these games. All game name links are to JAST USA, and are NSFW.
Nukige Deals
For this JAST USA Buyer’s Guide, I’ll separate nukige — the genre of visual novel with the fastest and most common sex scenes — into three categories.
The first is “best quality” nukige. The absolute two best nukige on JAST USA for quality art and design are Amayakase — Spoiling My Silver-Haired Girlfriend, and Break: The Rematch Part 1. You can learn more about Amayakase from a spotlight article we did on it, and more about Break from this review. Both games are just a bit kinky, linear, and have clear and simple stories. They’re fast to play through, but their high quality makes them worth replaying.

The second category, “open” nukige, is represented by two games: Nympho Sensei Ryoko, and Sweet Home – My Sexy Roommates. These games share a developer as well as an art style, and both emphasize choice. You have a series of decisions to make which — particularly in Nympho Sensei Ryoko — lets you keep playing again and again to find all the different scenes and endings. You can read the spotlights of both these games here, and here, respectively. These games are light on story and heavy on sex, but provide an openness to their design that is very different from many others in the genre.
Which leaves the “linear” nukige. Any game from Norn / Miel could qualify here, but the favorite one I’ve reviewed is Magical MILFs. There are no real choices to make here, so you’re just along for the ride. A ride which is usually kinky, fast-paced, and full of tit-flesh. With effective 2-for-the-price-of-1 pricing during the summer sale, anyone who enjoys them should go buy a couple, at least.
Quality Gameplay
If you’re looking for gameplay in your hentai, then VenusBlood Frontier International is the premier choice. It’s a complex strategy game that never feels too grindy, and whose gameplay was reviewed by Tyr here at J-List, with a basic guide included. You control a demon lord named Loki, fighting to make a set of Norse goddesses his personal servants in a bid to earn his place as king of the demons. The CGs are quality, and the story is entertaining — combining power fantasy, a decent sense of humor, and some surprising plot twists. There are heartwarming lovey-dovey paths, a darker path of complete domination, and something in-between. Despite not being mentioned on the Summer Sale article, it’s currently 15% off.

Eiyu*Senki — The World Conquest is the more budget option, being on a much greater sale than VenusBlood, but with a reputation of high-quality strategy combat. Having never beaten the game, I can definitely vouch for it being a time sink. The plot is one of an amnesiac protagonist who finds himself caught between warring women — historical figures from all over the world are converted into women you’ll pursue by conquering their lands. Some have vast tracts of land for you to claim, while others have other charms, but the vast selection is the greatest ecchi draw of this game.
Best Story
Since story-based visual novels are my favorite, I took special care to showcase two of my favorites for my JAST USA Buyer’s Guide.
School Days HQ is famous for its mediocre anime, but the game itself is groundbreaking. It’s animated. It has timed decision-making. It has a lot of routes. Finding nuanced routes like ones where you end up with a minor character, or switching between the main girls a couple times in different ways, is rewarding. The art is basic because it had to be animation-friendly — and done for a lengthy game to boot — but it’s still full of enjoyable H-scenes. If you like the possibility of romance-gone-wrong and delving into a variety of routes, all while experiencing a visual novel like no other, School Days is a must-own.

The Fruit of Grisaia is an excellent story peppered with quality H-scenes that occasionally remind you that Japan’s got its perverted side. It’s five heroines are waifu war material, all coming with their own tragic backstories, distinct personalities, and charms — both of the cute stylish type, and the depraved variety. It’s one of the few visual novels where I’ve ever re-read a route, and at the current sale price nobody who enjoys a visual novel story should pass it up.

Absolute Best Deals
Do you have twenty dollars? Eight? Go buy a few of these. Buy them all if you can. Gibo – Stepmother’s Sin, The Sagara Family, Let’s Meow Meow, and Yin-Yang! X-Change Alternative are all older visual novels that cover a variety of fetishes between them. You can play for days with these, so seriously go buy them, they’re a steal.