Tama meets Aria’s cat-eared blacksmith friend, Vulcan, who joined Tama’s harem after seeing his rock-hard body in Beheneko, Episode 2.
Episode 2 — “The Tigris-Ear Blacksmith & a Brand New Skill”
I wondered about the connection between elemental cats and juvenile Behemoth monsters after I saw the Sword Saint with one in flashbacks in the first Beheneko episode. Tama knows he’s the smol version of an S-Class disaster dungeon boss from his status screens. But now I’m even more sure that elemental cats are Behemoth nymphs after we learned that the friendly, talking feline companions can “crossbreed.”
Vulcan, Aria’s tan cat blacksmith / muscled girlfriend, warned (invited?) her elf girlfriend that the magic-using pets could make her pregnant. OH?! Just where did Tiger Cat Girls with defined shoulders and biceps come from? Bestiality is on the menu, boys!
Even better, Tama knew he had “Crossbreed” in his skill set. Temptation! Also, that was more evidence that elemental cats were Behemoths. How long can Tama keep the erection of his massive horny form in check? Much too long for Aria’s furry-yiffing needs, that’s for sure.
Weekly Beheneko Cleavage and Pussy… Cat!

The longer Aria stays in town, the longer Tama sits in a warm elf bosom in every scene. That’s a description, not an argument for more. Okay. I’d like more, but it also means Beheneko would free the nipple less. I’m torn! Thankfully, Tama has more than one soft cleft to rest in after Vulcan joined Aria’s party. Vulcan (Tomori Kusunoki, Aoba Wakura from Chained Soldier) has tan skin and toned muscles in her shoulders and biceps, and she wears biker shorts with her topless coveralls. You know how well she can grip shafts after watching her swing a two-handed war hammer around.

Aria let Vulcan have Tama spread himself out on her chest, but how long before she feels the pangs of jealousy and possessiveness? That threesome in bed showed us the harem route, and Vulcan looked down for anything! How big will Tama’s balls get after he grows to two meters long? He would assuredly be ballsy enough for the two of them.

Good morning, busty elf lady! Imagine how soft those oppai pillows must be. Oho. Tama found one of Aria’s erogenous zones — sensitive elf ears!
Beheneko’s Opening Credits and Harem Addicted to Ballsy Behemoth

We’ve seen the Sword Saint in Aria’s memories, so is it only a matter of time before she joins the main cast on an adventure? Tama’s harem will satisfy oppai fans because Zero-G (Beheneko’s animation studio) provides hypnotic swaying and bouncing. Whoa! Look at the scale between Tama’s kitten form and his mature form. That Earth Dragon he slashed in the first episode is the same size.

Ah. Aria (Hinaki Yano, this busy girl stars in two other shows for the Winter 2025 season — Shizuri in NEET Kunoichi and Akane Sakuramori in Kurakon) will switch to dual-wielding daggers instead of long swords. When do we meet the tall melee fighter with muscular abs, Stella (Hitomi Ueda, Goldship from the Uma Musume: Pretty Derby series)? We’ll meet Vulcan in this episode, according to the Beheneko preview from last week. Oh? Will Tama evolve to have angel wings instead of bat-themed devil wings in his final form? Or is that portrait merely artistic license?
Tanned Waifu Blacksmith a Tiger Girl in the Sack!

Oh yeah! A sweaty, tan catgirl with muscles! Tama is a friendly kitten-knight. He obtained another soft place to rest — tan catgirl Vulcan’s cleavage. Ah. Aria wanted Tama to wear armor. Does Vulcan need to measure Tama for a codpiece? Cute! Tama’s armor included a helmet and vest. But Vulcan’s topmost concern was how to make the best blades for Aria. Suggestion: watch her fight within a temporary adventuring party!

Fun. Vulcan wields a hammer at the blacksmith forge and a two-handed war hammer in the dungeon. Hilarious. The goblins and orcs in Beheneko are always so horny to fight female adventurers. Nyaruhodo. Vulcan noticed Aria’s long swords make her fighting movements too straightforward. But how to test her theory? Ack! Fighting slimy tentacles! Tama imagined bukkake tentacle grape. Good man. He’s a kitten of culture, as well.
Hoh! Aria did better using short swords or daggers. Ugh. Slime bukkake… Tama stole that tentacle monster’s skills. Yes, Beheneko made a semen joke! Oh boy. What would Tama do with “Infinite Mucus Spray” and “Crossbreed” skills? And so much hentai depends on tentacle monsters needing to crossbreed, so I understand.
The Onsen Episode in Beheneko, Already?

These dungeons have everything! Even spa resort facilities! I had hoped Beheneko would supply more nudity as the season ramped up. I’m glad the show did not disappoint! Aha. The Philosopher’s Stone also acted as a monster repellant for A-Class monsters and below, not just a light source. Good thing for Tama that he’s an S-Class Behemoth. Effective narrative building from Beheneko here. Aria’s flashback hinted at demons searching for sources of magic power. Elves usually live around a massive tree in fantasy stories.
Here we go, here we go! Open your eyes, Tama! Ahaha! Vulcan’s old adventuring party broke up because someone got knocked up! Watch out, Tama! Aria wants your Behemoth babies!

How can anyone pay attention to Aria’s dagger skills when her swaying and bouncing hypnotic distractions get in the way? I’m not complaining; I’m explaining. And there it is. Tama collected another harem member by saving Vulcan from falling boulders. Now, who else wants to crossbreed?
Binging Beer and Bisexual Bosom Smooshing

We saw how much Aria likes downing bottles of wine in the last Beheneko episode. But she can booze it up with Vulcan with mugs of ale! How affectionate does the tip of the nip make the feline blacksmith? Oh yes. Tama gave them an excuse to form a threesome! Er, an official party. Do parties have names in Beheneko’s fantasy setting? Nope. I was right the first time. I hope Tama can breathe between those massive mammaries and boulder-sized breasts. Look at that. Tama’s ready to level up. Will he still look like a cat in his second form? Or will he jump straight to the adult Behemoth? Tama chose to sit in Aria’s cleavage a while longer.

What was the purpose of showing Aria’s volunteer and charity work for an orphanage? Characterization? Foreshadowing? Seeing kids play with a kitten? Or was it only for Tama to call Aria a “virtuous woman” before ogling her and Vulcan’s bouncing breasts and looking up their dresses? We know what Beheneko’s goal was!
Beheneko’s Ending Credits Sequence is a Sexy Slumber Party

I’m happy to see how little Stella wears for bedtime. Aria should take a lesson from the Sword Saint, too.
Next time, Aria leveled up just in time to fight demons in an emergency quest. Also, Aria asked the most pressing questions of Vulcan: Did catgirls come from crossbreeding humans and elemental cats? The horny elf needs to know what her furry babies will look like!
Beheneko: The Elf-Girl’s Cat is Secretly an S-Ranked Monster! streams on Hidive in Japanese audio with English subtitles.
I feel conflicted. On one hand, this episode gave us way more nudity than the first one. And you needed two hands to hold what it provided! But on the other hand, no gratuitous shots of Tama’s tamas (balls) graced the screen. Is our ballsy baby Behemoth no longer a running joke? Will the furry-yiffing and bestiality references be good enough replacements? Or do we even care now, after a tan, muscular kemomimi girl reminds us of Liru, the werewolf girl? Let us know in the comments below.
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