I’ve started watching another new anime, called One Week Friends. It’s the ridiculously cute story of a boy named Yuki Hase who wants to make friends with his classmate Kaori Fujimiya, a girl who’s always rather aloof with the other students in the class. He asks her if they could be friends, and she replies, “I’m happy you asked but…I can’t ever be friends with anyone.” It turns out that Kaori has a medical condition that causes her memory to be reset every week, so that she forgets everyone she knows, which is why she avoids getting close to anyone. But Yuki doesn’t give up, and keeps trying to reach her, encouraging her to write about him in her diary so she’ll know who he is after every memory reset. Stories that play with themes of what memory is and why our memories define us are common in anime, seen in series such series as Requiem for the Phantom, Ef: A Tale of Memories, Kanon and (sob) Elfin Lied. While the clean and simple shoujo manga style character designs are what drew me in to One Week Friends at first, I’m enjoying the story now, wondering what “feels” are in store for us.
I’m enjoying the One Week Friends anime.