Hi from your friends in Japan, at J-List!
Have you ever wondered who’s on Japanese money? Well, we’ll tell you. The Japanese 1000 yen note features the famous 19th Century novelist Souseki Natsumi, who wrote such famous books as “I am a Cat” and “Kokoro.” As part of the Japanese education system, the first sentence of famous novels is memorized by students, and nearly all of his novels are famous. The 5000 yen note sports Inazo Nitobe, one of the “forefathers” of modern Japan, and among the first Japanese to become fluent in English (he was a student of Professor Clark, an American who started Sapporo University, and left the famous words “Boys, be ambitious”). He toured Europe and the U.S. to observe elements that were desirable in the “new” Japan. The 10,000 note, pretty much the “basic” unit of currency in Japan (roughly equal to $100 in value), features Yukichi Fukuzawa, another modernizer in the Meiji Period, and founder of Keio University. The old 1000 note, which went out of circulation about 15 years ago (but you still see them sometimes) was Hirofumi Itoh, the first Prime Minister of Japan (but he was assassinated, in the tradition of Meiji-era Japanese politicians).
Driving in Japan can be different from what you might be used to. First, while many people prefer to drive with their lights on during the day in the U.S. for extra safety, is never done here, and if you leave your lights on while you drive, it causes other drivers to stop you and tell you that your lights are on. While honking a horn at another driver can cause road rage in the U.S., here a short “beep” is the universal way of saying thanks and good-bye as you pull away. Most drivers turn off their car’s headlights at intersections (leaving the parking lights on), as a courtesy to drivers who might be blinded by their lights on the other side of the intersection. In Tokyo, where drivers drive with consideration for others (unlike Gunma, where we live), a two-second flashing of the hazard lights is the correct way to say “thank you” when another driver gives you the right of way. In Japan, traffic lights have a 3 second delay, before the next drivers are allowed to go. By unwritten rule, Japanese drivers universally make use of this time to speed their car through the intersection, despite the red light, since they know they’ve got several seconds before the other cars will be moving.
We’ve got a quite a lot of interest in the Japanese hanko stamps. We should point out that only Japanese last names (e.g. Sekiguchi, Yamada, Fujita) are available. If you have a Japanese last name, or just want to have an “honorary” Japanese name and a hanko stamp, let us know and we’ll get one for you.
We’ve updated our region 2 DVD page with links for Mac users who want to view region 2 DVDs on their computers, including several hacks and a useful program that resets the number of times you can change your DVD region setting.
For this middle-of-the-week update, we’ve got some nice new items for you, including:
- First, some great new magazines, including the two new issues of video Boy and Best Video, featuring great info on the most lovely AV idols from Japan
- For fans of kogals, Japan’s lovely bad girls, we’ve got limited stock of the very nice Lip Mate, always a popular magazine at J-List
- For fans of Japan’s unique rape-play erotica, we’ve got a very nice photobook for you, featuring eleven different lovely nude models
- For hentai manga fans, we’ve got another nice update for you, including some excellent new offerings as well as fresh stock of several very popular items that kept going out of stock
- For doujinshi fans, we’ve got a very special offering for you — the super erotic Girl Power, a dynamite 60+ page erotic doujinshi with some of the best busty artwork we’ve seen
- For DVD lovers, we’ve got something very special for you — a super new erotic offering from Aoi Minori, featuring tons of excellent erotic performance for you, and a special treat — a “rock scissors paper” game you can play with your DVD controller
- For collectors of region-2 DVDs, check out the excellent “coupling” title from SOD’s I-Entergy label, featuring Hirosue Nao’s erotic performance along with the charming Yayoi Yukino’s sexual ravaging
- If you love Japan’s Race Queens, see the erotic video by Risa Takahashi, a real former Race Queen, featuring tons of erotic sex by this slender angel
- If you’re a fan of lovely swimsuit idols from Japan, check out the Infinity Idol Cards Collection, with some of Japan’s loveliest idols in the series
- If you’re studying Japanese, or any language, check out the very handy Campus Word Books we’ve got in stock — they feature a very organized way to write down the original word, pronunciation, and English meaning of vocabulary words
- Finally, we’ve got some nifty and convenient things for you, including an all-new Hello Kitty onigiri maker (so you can make perfect triangular rice balls), a superior way to grate and store food, and more!
My comment about the J-Mate site got messed up in the last update. J-List will give a credit of $5-10 for all reviews submitted to the J-Mate page. For more information, mail mailto:reviews@jmate.com . Also, remember that there’s a forums site set up on the Peach Princess BBS, so you can discuss the excellent reviews and interviews posted on the J-Mate site. The direct link is http://princess.cybrmall.net/ubbcgi/Ultimate.cgi
We *think* we’ve got the mailing list formatting problems worked out, and this mailing should work for everyone without any problems with the paragraphs scrolling off to the right endlessly. As always, please let us know how the list is apearing for you. Thanks!