I’ve been watching a show called Ladies vs. Butlers, which is sort of like Kanokon meets Maria Holic without the nosebleeds and the GOD OH GOD!! Although it’s primarily a “fan service” show, I liked it more than I thought I would due to the surprisingly interesting characters, especially Selnia Iori Flameheart, the ultra-rich tsundere girl with awesome “drill hair” that actually spins when she gets angry. In one scene I thought was interesting, Selnia meets her father, and the two share a kiss while the main character Akiharu looks on, an anime-style sweat drop appearing over his head to indicate his discomfort at the scene. The Japanese are very conservative and never engage in behavior like kissing or hugging in public, and even kissing or hugging of family members (except babies) is unheard of. (Tomo told me, “No, never, ever.”) As a result, Japanese have a bit of a complex about “Western” style kissing including the cheek-kissing done between friends in European countries, and when Selnia kissed her father, all of Japan no doubt shared the main character’s shock.
Ladies vs. Butlers is an anime about love, fan service and “drill hair.”