Otaku in need of a suspenseful, danger-filled anime series have much to look forward to. Tasuketsu (Missing Majority) is a “death game” series based on votes and monsters. The Emperor decreed that the series would premiere on July 2nd, 2024. Let’s enjoy the new trailer until then.
Taiga Miyakawa released the original Tasuketsu manga series on September 11th, 2013. Comic Smart (digital) and Micro Magazine (print) have since published six volumes.
Our gamers just trying to survive are as follows:
- Saneatsu Narita — Yuto Uemura (Amajiki Tamaki from My Hero Academia). Saneatsu is a strong-willed leader for his friends to fight against the Emperor.
- Saya Fujishiro — Anna Nagase (Boxers, Isabella in Cyberpunk: Edgerunners). Saya is a kind, intelligent girl who keeps everyone’s spirits up during dark times.
- Eren Kunashiri — Yuki Nakashima (Yuki Otokura from The Idolmaster Cinderella Girls). Eren is a fashionable and tough girl with a lonely side.
- Ryohei Sudo — Jun Kasama (Kyoya Kujo from Gundam Build Metaverse). Ryohei has a keen mind and a calm demeanor, even in the roughest situations.
Satelight has maintained a home page and a Twitter (X) page to promote Tasuketsu. You can find additional series information and the Key Visuals there.
Tasuketsu and the Death Game
A person only known as the “Emperor” has begun the Missing Majority game, and participation is mandatory. The Emperor asks a simple question: Do you want to live? Those who vote for the most popular answer will die. The Emperor has gathered five people to have them participate in the newest round. Saneatsu and Saya work with the other participants to find and defeat the Emperor before anyone else loses their lives. It won’t be easy as there are threats behind every corner. Fortunately for these gamers, they get unique gifts to fight back.
Will you watch Tasuketsu when the series premieres in July? YES or NO.
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J-List has plenty of cute schoolgirl anime figures who aren’t participating in death games. The Sumika Aoyama Figure Illustrated by Coffee Kizoku is available for purchase right now.