Aho-Girl is a slice of life comedy series that debuted in the Weekly Shounen Magazine in November 2012, after which Vol. 1 of the manga began print in May 2013 by Kodansha. The story revolves around Yoshiko Hanabatake, a ditzy and carefree high school girl who manages to score zeroes and cause silly antics, until a childhood friend of hers attempts to keep her in line.
The manga artist behind the series, Hiroyuki, released a statement on his personal website lauding the success of its one-cour anime adaption which aired just last season, while also thanking the staff behind it. Additionally, he mentioned that his reasons to end the manga series were due to the longevity of its run (now five years strong), as well as his desire to take a much needed break and focus on new projects.
Vol. 12, the final volume, will be released on December 15th of this year in Japan. It might be sad news for some that are fans of the series, but all good things must come to an end. It is possible that a sequel of the anime may be developed to cap off the rest of the story.
The English serialization is far from over, however, with Vol. 4 planning to be released by Kodansha Comics on December 12th of this year.
Source: Seijunha