Art Contest
How to Enter
Step 1: Draw Megumi, our adorable mascot. If you need inspiration check out last year’s featured artists.
Step 2: Submit your final art using the form on this page (see below) before January 15, 2019. Artists are required to provide a high-resolution illustration in AI or PSD format and a .png version.
Step 3: Winners will be selected and announced at the beggining of February.
Ten selected artists will receive $200 each, a prominent place on our upcoming Megumi page with links to their profile and social media, and future opportunities to work with J-List.
Five additional artists will receive $100 in J-List store credit, along with a special mention on our upcoming Megumi page.
All contestants are allowed to share their submissions on social media. If you decide to share it on social media, please include us in the tweet/post or use the hashtag #MIMS2019 so we can let our fans know about it by sharing it! We will also be sharing submissions on our Facebook and Twitter account during the contest period, with a link attributing the work to your preferred social media or artist profile.

Deadline is January 15, 2019
About Megumi
Megumi has been the mascot character of J-List since 1998, two years after the start of J-List. She was designed to personify our website with an image that is synonimous with Japanese anime and otaku culture, a 美少女高校生 (bi-shou-jyou kou-kou-sei).

Name: Megumi
Japanese Name: めぐみ
Birthday: October 1st
Height: 157cm
Age: 17
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Chocolate
Background: Megumi is a 3rd year student at North Kanto High School. Friendly, funny and a little too energetic, she’s never had trouble making new friends, unlike her unncanny ability to fail tests. She keeps a small box of chocolates in her school bag for “emergencies,” as she calls them.
While most of her friends participate in after-school activities, she works a part-time job at an online shop preparing orders. In her spare time she likes to do cosplay with her friends. While she won’t admit it, she’s often picks up new hobbies and drops them equally as quick.

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