There’s nothing like the power of manga to pack an emotional punch and get people to think. In 2016, Japan’s IPA (Information-Technology Promotion Agency), an industry body that promotes good IT practices in Japan, made a splash when it rented dozens of billboards in Tokyo’s hip Harajuku district, the goal of which was to get the young people there to think more deeply about password security.
Rather than preach about how important passwords are to all of us in our modern age, the billboards created a series of romantic manga images about young people in love, which received tons of attention on the Internet, helping spread the word and raise awareness.
For a few weeks, every billboard in Harajuku carried these important messages about passwords and why we need to use good practices. I decided to translate the images so they could be better appreciated by all of us from the English speaking world. Enjoy the translated images, and be sure and re-think your own password safety!