Following the success of the BEASTARS anime, which released in Japan last October, the show’s production studio Studio Orange has announced that they’ll be releasing an artbook sometime in mid-March. As Studio Orange is known for its CG-based animation style, the title of the book will be tentatively known as “Orange-ryū 3DCG Animation Seisaku Technique — Making of BEASTARS“, or “Orange-style 3DCG Animation Production Technique — Making of BEASTARS.” While that seems to be a rather dry title for an artbook, the book will cover other aspects of production such as character design, storyboards, backgrounds, and VFX. Also included are interviews with series director Shinichi Matsumi and CG director Eiji Inomoto. While preview images of the artbook are not yet forthcoming, it’ll be interesting to see the processes that were used between the animation for the show’s opening and the main portions of the show, as they differ drastically in terms of art style.
While there are also no further details on a solid release date for March, this announcement couldn’t have come at a better time. Studio Orange won first place in the Animation category for BEASTARS at the fifth CG World Awards last December, and the first season of the BEASTARS anime is set to release outside of Japan on Netflix on March 13th. The artbook looks to be the perfect companion piece for lovers of animation, Studio Orange, and BEASTARS around the world. In addition, for those waiting for more of the BEASTARS anime, a second season has currently been greenlit, though no news has been forthcoming as to when the second season will be released, or if it will be released on Netflix globally, instead of being exclusive to Netflix Japan at the premiere of the season, much like season one was.
Source: Anime News Network