We’ve all come on a long journey to get to where we are as anime fans today. Some of us might have started out as casual consumers of anime and manga, but at one point, our hobbies kind of took over our lives. As I’ve done before, I asked some of the J-List followers on Twitter and Facebook followers to share their experiences of when they crossed the line to being an otaku, and here are some of the best responses we got!
When Did You Cross the Otaku Line of No Return?

That line was crossed when started Anime with Mobile Suit Gundam in the early 2000s, from that point on Gundam has been my main series.

I’ve been watching anime since sometime in the mid or late ’90s, on the Sci-Fi channel. This was before Toonami, Adult Swim, etc.
Oh, /a/ long time ago…

When I decided I would seriously learn Japanese by myself so I wouldn’t have to wait for translations and subs ^_^;;
I crossed the otaku line when I bought my first body pillow. It was Sekai from School Days.

I had watched some titles casually before, but it wasn’t until I started Kill la Kill that I truly realized anime was the medium that I needed in my life.

When I watched Inuyasha for the first time.

When I start crushing over Light Yagami in my teen years. Little did I know, everyone else are fans of L and hates Light. oh and when I start copying Misa’s style.
Crossed the line after watching Serial Experiments Lain and searching for online boards to start the discussion of what the hell is happening in this anime.

When I watched Cowboy Bebop and fell hard for an animated character.
When I paid $150 to watch a 3D hologram sing songs in a language I don’t understand.

Back when I was at my cousin’s house for a sleepover and the first episode of Sailor Moon came on the TV.

For me, it would have to be when I finally decided to watch The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya after all that propaganda in the enjoyable show Lucky Star.

As Madarame said, “You don’t choose to be an otaku, you become one without realizing it”.
Thanks for reading this post exploring how each of us crossed the Otaku Line of No Return. What’s your personal otaku story? Post it in the comments below, or tell us on Twitter!
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