One thing anime studios are good at is creating 2D characters so charming and realistic that we can feel actual feelings of love and protectiveness for them. This is the basis of 萌 moe, which I define as “the warm, fuzzy feeling you experience when contemplating your favorite anime girl.” I asked J-List’s Twitter followers to share the top anime girls we’d like to date, and this is the list we came up with!
Post an anime character you’d be okay dating. Anime is The Manga Artist And His Assistants.
— J-LIST (@jlist) May 15, 2020

Michiru from Saekano. While the three main heroines are each awesome in their own way, Michiru provides a constant stream of fanservice.

Kouko from Golden Time is an adorable dere (lovey-dovey) girlfriend that any man would love to date. Her “Exorcist” scene was adorable, too.

Miharu from Kiss x Sis. Aside from a small problem with incontinence at the worst possible moments, she’s a thick adorable and dedicated girlfriend. We’ve even got her in stock on the J-List store.

Asuna from SAO is another anime girl we’d like to date, able to make a delicious sandwich thanks to her in-game Veteran Cooking Skill, then provide us with some “chapter 16.5” service.

Mash from FGO is the perfect girlfriend, polite and loyal yet ready to defend us with her shield when needed. Plus she’s voiced by Rie Takahashi (Emilia, Megumin), so she scores extra points there.

Futaba from Bunny Girl Senpai. Who wouldn’t want to date a Perverted Science Girl? Plus she’s smart enough to solve impossible physics problems yet adorably awkward in romantic situations.

Between loving Sailor Moon and Star Wars and having awesome jiggling boobs, Hajime from New Game! would be a fun girl to date.

Chiho Sasagi from The Devil is a Part-Timer. Although she’s got the best “hamburgers” in the show, she’s the romantic underdog and tries harder because of that fact.

Yame from My First Girlfriend is a Gal is one of the top anime girls ever. Despite being a gyaru, which comes with an expectation of sexual flamboyance, she keeps her guard up around her boyfriend most of the time. The only problem with having a girlfriend like Yame would be trying to be worthy of her.

If you love twin-tailed girls in military uniforms, Anchovy is your girl.

Hestia from Is It Wrong To Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon? I mean, could you ask for a more loyal, energetic and supportive girl? Definitely one of the top anime girls we’d love to have a relationship with.

Of course, sometimes a MILF is all you need, and one of the best ones is Mikoto’s mom from Index/Railgun. For extra fun, she’s voiced by Emi Shinohara, aka Sailor Jupiter!

Claire from Gleipnir. Because if she doesn’t want to wear her boyfriend’s skin as her clothing, can it really be called love?
That’s our list of the 13 top anime girls we’d like to date. Did we leave your favorite girl off the list? Post her in the comments below or let us know on Twitter!
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