In Japan, they have a fun custom around New Year’s where stores sealed fuku-bukuro (“lucky bags”) filled with unknown contents to customers, which feature items valued at much more than the price of the bag. These cool traditional grab bags are so popular, you can see lines of customers waiting to buy them at department stores. J-List is bringing this these popular items to our customers this year early, so you can grab a bag or two for the Holidays if you like.
All fuku-bukuro grab bags will be shipped in a proper secure box, with the iconic orange grab bag included in the box, folded up neatly. J-List has tons of amazing items for gifts, too, including our delicious Best-Selling Snack Set and the ever-popular J-List Gift Certificates!
By the way, there was some discussion on the Internet of a new policy the Japanese post office had instituted, refusing to ship packages above a certain size to the U.S. due to security concerns. We have good news for our customers — due to our existing contractual relationship with Japan Post, J-List is unaffected by this rule change. So whether you want to order a bunch of awesome anime calendars or score some really cool bento boxes, J-List can ship your order without any problems!