Top-quality onahole maker Toy’s Heart is back again with another traditionally Japanese-themed ero toy to delight their customers. Last time we reviewed a traditional Japanese Fire Fox Goddess, and this time we’ve got the Nekomata Catgirl Goddess onahole, with the same beautiful Japanese design that we all know and love. Let’s take a look!

The theme of this series is experiencing sex with extra-human goddesses who go beyond what mere human females are capable of. On the package we have a super cute catgirl goddess who’s conveniently in heat, and in need of some attention from us. She’s actually a yousei, a kind of traditional Japanese fairy spirit, because why not?

You can immediately see that the inside of this onahole is incredible, designed to stimulate you far more than the average realistic onahole. From the start you’re sucked in from the outside by a twisting cyclone that works like a drill, pulling you deeper inside. Along the way you punch through two “tight zones” with large protrusions sticking out, to stimulate your penis as you slide past, especially the bottom of the glans. Finally there’s a space at the back to deposit your seed when you’re ready. The onahole has both the thickness and the internal construction to manage your stress perfectly.

Each onahole company obsesses over different things, and Toy’s Heart often makes onaholes in which you punch through a final layer of material at the back of the toy, which simulates you penetrating her actual cervix right before you finish, spilling your seed directly inside her uterus. Since this is a catgirl-themed sex toy, the space at the back is fish-shaped, because…science!

The front of the onahole is pleasantly Japan-themed, as if it were hand-carved out of a piece of jade. The kanji ad copy above promises quality materials that you can trust and an “extra-human” sexual experience with a Japan yousei spirit.

All onaholes have a rating system to let you know ahead of time what to expect. This toy is ranked in the middle between “highly stimulative” and “comfortable” meaning that it will stimulate you well, but not overly much, and near the “tight” rating in between “tight” and “loose,” meaning a good close fit. With 201,257 onahole sold as of the printing of this package, Toy’s Heart certainly is a trusted name in fapping assistance.

The Nekomata Musume Catgirl Onahole is a great new offering from Toy’s Heart, which is designed to take the edge off for you while providing some gorgeous Japanese artistic sense in your life. Like all Toy’s Heart toys, it will provide you with months or years of solid service, as long as you properly maintain it, removing all fluids inside with tissues after use. It’s made in Japan and starter lotion is included for you, though you might want to get more.
A super sexy catgirl goddess is ready to play with you whenever you want. Get the Nekomata Musume Catgirl Onahole from J-List here!
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