It is starting to be obvious that the current ongoing anime series My Sister, My Writer (Ore ga Suki na no ha Imoto Dakedo Imoto ja nai) isn’t really going well as quality and animation errors are noticeable as each episode airs.
On the evening of November 20, around 30 hours before the airing of this week’s new episode, they announced that it will be delayed for a week and the previous episode will air instead. The cause of this delay was due to “circumstances related to production progress.” This could possibly be an indication that the staff is behind schedule while working on it.
There was no word that says that the staff have corrected some of the errors of episode six. However if not, it will probably be the second time that audiences will able to see the name Shojiki Komata in the end credits for the second time. This actually isn’t the name of their staff but a wordplay of kanji characters which says “we’re in serious trouble.”
Twitter users have also shared more screenshots from the anime. One is the sudden transition of a touchscreen smartphone to a flip phone in between camera cuts.
Another obvious flaw is the part where the staff seemed to have forgotten to draw the torso area of Suzuka, making it look like half of her body is floating.
何だろう。忙しいんかな。頑張れ日本— イキリ・Vi・ブリタニア (@High_Kakin) November 17, 2018
The story of My Sister, My Writer anime is centred on a teenage guy who acts as the public face for his younger sister who writes a popular light-novel story of a girl who is greatly devoted to his big brother.
The anime only has around 4 episodes to go before it finally ends. We can only hope if the staff of this anime series would do more efforts to quality check before their airtime.
Sources: wpss002 (Twitter), CS_LR_4 (Twitter), rokuumon (Twitter), My Sister, My Writer website, Otakomu, SoraNews24