It was a short run, but after 11 episodes the anime adaptation of Natsuki Kizu’s boy’s love manga, Given has concluded its first story arc. Covering almost until the end of volume three of the manga, the anime finished off the main story revolving around Mafuyu Sato and Ritsuka Uenoyama.
For the moment, Mafuyu and Ritsuka are at peace with their relationship, as is everyone else for that matter, but what of the two remaining bandmates? Akihiko is still wrestling with his complex emotions and past trauma with his roommate/ex-boyfriend, Ugetsu Murata. Then there is Haruki, repressing his slow-blooming romantic attraction to Akihiko.
What of Hiiragi and Yagi? Mafuyu’s childhood friends appeared only briefly when needed, but had enough presence to say that they are still relevant and care deeply about Mafuyu. With the two of them playing in their own band, a sense of friendly rivalry surrounds the three of them.
What about Mafuyu’s incredibly fluffy dog?! Will we ever know why he was given a cat’s name?
Right now there are a few stray hairs that need to be evened out, and it’s happening!
Immediately following the airing of the final episode it was announced that a continuation is already in the works as a theatrical movie, with a planned 2020 release. The film will cover all material left over in volume three through volume five of the manga. This will handle the entire second story arc involving Haruki Nakayama and Akihiko Kaji. All voice actors have been confirmed to be reprising their roles, as has the entire production team.
Blue Lynx will be involved, making the Given film their second-ever production.
While the production staff is the same for the film as it was for the anime, the only person not mentioned to be returning is Centimillimental, who wrote all three pieces of theme music for the TV anime and performed the opening theme himself. Unless Centimillimental has no plans of returning by his own choice, or Blue Lynx has someone else in mind for writing theme music, then odds are the production team is waiting to announce Centimillimental until music samples are ready for presentation. The limited first press edition CD+Blu ray version of each TV anime single quickly sold out across Japan. However, only the anime’s opening theme, Kizuato, performed well, peaking at number 22 on the Oricon music charts. With everyone else already on board for the film, it would be silly not to include Centimillimental.
Currently, there has been very little revealed about the film beyond the cast and crew, but a short teaser and new promo image were released. Blu ray sales have started in Japan with a new volume scheduled to release monthly, handled by Aniplex. The final volume is set to release on Christmas day. This could coincide with a future update, but other possible dates could be as late as February 28th in celebration of Mafuyu Sato’s birthday.
Sources: Oricon Charts, Given Site