Misdirection is a hentai manga created by Higenamuchi, best known for the squishy and adorably cute anime girls he draws. The manga was published by our friends at FAKKU, who is known for the very best hentai manga releases in English. It’s fully uncensored and reads just like the artist intended it to be. It has 212 pages, with a total of 7 chapters, with 8 of those pages in color. The stories featured in this manga appeared in Comic Kairakuten and Comic X-Eros from 2012 to 2015.
I’m not too much into the younger, cute women fandom, especially in hentai, so Misdirection was mostly my entry point into this sub-genre. It has a pleasant mix of hardcore, blackmail, brainwash, ahegao, threesome and a nice bit of… NTR. In some stories, the girls even feel devilish.
The short colored intro at the start aside, the book begins with a trilogy of short stories. There is this group of three girls that love to pretend that they’re being molested by an innocent older man, making them get caught by the cops. They call it “the game”. However, the last man they arrested, comes back for his revenge and starts molesting one of the girls, Itou-chan. After he makes her get addicted to sex, he forces Itou-chan to call on the other two girls, for some “private meetings”. Needless to say, they fall for him one by one.
The final story of this trilogy shows off Sonomiya-sama, a girl from a rich family with high standards. She accepts giving her body to the molester. Since she was the one that created “the game”, and the leader of the group, Sonomiya thinks she should take responsibility for her acts. After having sex with the molester, like the other two girls, she loves it and gets addicted to it. This is the interesting part of Misdirection, most of the girls (if not all), look pure, but when someone starts doing some ecchi stuff with them, they just turn into these cute looking sex addicts.
For me, what separates a good hentai from a bad one is the story. Although Misdirection doesn’t have amazingly complex plots, it has, on some occasions, some very creative storytelling. There is one story about two sisters who have the same boyfriend, but the catch is that they don’t know. The way the story is told is rather cute. In each panel, you can see him having sex with one of the sisters, and each sister starts a line of text, that the other will complete in a different panel because the guy has the same type of sex with each one. It feels like two stories being told, but since they are similar, it gets melded into a single one. It was very enjoyable to read and a rather creative idea.
Also regarding the storytelling. There are some stories that build into the world of the collection. In the first story presented in the book, about the three girls and “the game”, there is a scene where Itou-chan gets molested in the park. Later in the book, you follow the story of a girl who saw Itou-chan getting abused, but has no connection to her or to that first story. I like when books interconnect stories or at least reference some other situations. It makes the world the book is recreating feel more complex.
The art of Misdirection is best described as cute girls being cute during sex. I like to see pure anime girls getting lewd during the hentai scenes, their ahegao faces are adorable and they just make me love the art even more. It’s important to notice that most of the girls are fully aware of what they’re doing, so, it makes them feel like they’re young mature girls, if that makes any sense.
If you don’t enjoy cute, young women, you should get this book, if you do enjoy them, you should get this book. It’s a very good entry point for anyone who is curious about hentai involving younger women because it’s neither very hardcore or too soft and vanilla. It has the right balance of lewd hentai with adorable girls. I think anyone remotely interest should check this one out.