The Top Crazy Japanese Condoms Ranked
One thing I write about is Japan’s low birthrate, which is actually a feature of all industrialized countries. The higher the educational and economic standards climb, the lower a country’s birth rate gets, as a general rule. Another reason Japan has such a low birthrate is the high quality of condoms in the country, and the rate at which they are used by Japanese couples (nearly 100%).
Since J-List sells a lot of awesome and unique Japanese condoms, I thought it’d be fun to look at the ranking!

First, the official condoms of Yotsuba& featuring the famous Danbo, the awesome cardboard box robot character. These are officially licensed condoms, guaranteed to make your sexy time both cute and enjoyable. In case you were wondering at how such cute condoms could exist, in Japan these products are generally marketed towards females rather than males, which is why you have a cute imagery like this instead of images of Trojans conquering on a battlefield. We’ve also sold Hello Kitty and Rilakkuma condoms back in the day.

If you want extremely thin condoms that feel like nothing at all, you really can’t beat the high quality of Japan’s manufacturing. These Skyn Original Condoms from Fuji Latex will make you think you’re doing it bareback, or nama, as the Japanese say.

Just when you thought Japanese condoms couldn’t get any cuter, here we have Tsubu Tsubu Ramune Condom, which are tsubu tsubu (bumpy for her pleasure) and which are also scented like Ramune, the famous Japanese soft drink. I can imagine a situation at an anime con where having these on your person might just pique the interest of a cute Misty cosplayer who would let you try them out with her back in the hotel room.

Another brand of condom that’s highly rated are JELLDOM 1000 from Okamoto Condom. They’re designed to be extra lubricated, for her comfort and pleasure.
Another great series from Okamoto Condom is their “Real Fit” line, which are designed to act like a second skin around the man’s penis. At 0.02 mm in thickness, you won’t even know they’re on.

Finally, for any who have tried Japanese condoms and found them to be on the tight side, you might want to try these: the Just Fit line from Fuji Latex. They come in different sizes, S, L, XL, allowing you to get just the size you need to make sure everything goes well.
We hope you had fun reading about the top Japanese condoms on J-List. Want to order some?